Jordan Peterson shoots down feminist talking points in UK Channel 4 News interview

In this must-see interview for Channel 4 News Canadian academic Jordan Peterson talks about the gender pay gap and other topics with feminist interviewer Cathy Newman. Feminists would have us believe that the reason women (as a group) earn less than men (as a group) is all the fault of men deliberately keeping them down. There are many reasons why women on average earn less than men and none of them have anything to do with a patriarchal conspiracy against women. Women do more part-time work, are drawn to lower paying jobs, are more likely to be out of work due to raising kids etc. Men on the other hand tend to be in full time employment, are drawn to higher paying jobs and are more willing to work overtime. The fact is, due to the nature of men and women and their personal choices/preferences you would expect men to earn more on average. Peddling the notion – as feminists do – that there is a misogyny problem running rampant within society as a whole is irresponsible and wrong.

Peterson does an excellent job in this interview. Newman’s simplistic feminist talking points are no match for Peterson’s realism and well researched responses. Newman clearly wanted to take down Peterson so she could claim victory over an evil misogynist but it all goes disastrously wrong. In true feminist style she would later go on to play the victim by claiming to have received online misogynistic abuse from Peterson’s supporters.

UPDATE: For more on the gender pay gap see my post Feminism and the gender wage gap myth“.

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