Paul Craig Roberts: Trump vs The Deep State

In a previous post I touched on the notion that some believe Donald Trump is at war with the US Deep State. One man who subscribes to this notion is former Reagan administration economist and geopolitical analyst Dr. Paul Craig Roberts.

Roberts believes it is Trump’s stance on Russia – one that is much less antagonistic than his predecessor or that of his election opponent Hillary Clinton – that has ultimately pitted the Deep State apparatus against him as the military industrial complex requires antagonism with Russia and a widespread belief in a “Russian threat” in order to justify its massive military expenditure. Roberts views the claims of collusion between Trump and the Russians to influence the result of the 2016 US elections (aka Russiagate) as nothing more than an attempted coup by the Deep State – a series of fabrications designed to bring Trump down.

Find links to some of Roberts’ recent articles below along with his appearance on the Richie Allen Show.

UPDATE: For the time being (pending appeal) The Richie Allen Show’s YouTube channel has been taken down (see the links below). You can listen to the Paul Craig Roberts interview here starting at around the 1hr 07min mark.

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