George Soros and Brexit

The big Brexit story of the week has been the news that billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros has given a £400,000 donation to anti-Brexit organisation Best for Britain.

Soros is a globalist, a big-time meddler in geopolitical affairs, and a fierce advocate of open borders. In the video below from RT the guest being interviewed (political analyst Paul Wiffen) nails it when he states “I think it’s to do with moving to a new world order with one world government

Multiculturalism and the free movement of people are essential in the globalist plan to undermine the concept of the nation state. Opening up borders and destroying national sovereignty is something globalist elites like Soros believe must be done in order to bring about a global financial and government system (often referred to as the New World Order).  The reason Soros and his fellow globalists want to reverse Brexit is because the European Union is a vital element of this agenda and no country must be allowed to escape it’s clutches.

Last year a document came to light highlighting the deception involved in bringing the UK into the EEC. The recently declassified document FCO 30/1048 was written in 1971 by an unknown civil servant. As the Sunday Express reported in November last year:

The unknown author – a senior civil servant – correctly predicted the then European Economic Community (the EEC effectively became the EU in 1993) was headed for economic, monetary and fiscal union, with a common foreign and defence policy, which would constitute the greatest surrender of Britain’s national sovereignty since 1066.

He went on to say “Community law” would take precedence over our own courts and that ever more power would pass away from Parliament to the bureaucratic system centred in Brussels

So even from the earliest days it was known exactly what the EEC was to evolve into and – as the Sunday Express article explains – politicians were advised to lie to the public. From the very beginning it was a project designed to undermine national sovereignty piece by piece one step at a time.

Globalist elites trying to reverse Brexit is one thing (I’d expect it of them) but to see so many UK citizens – especially the young – trying to undermine and overturn the result of a democratic referendum in order to continue to be a part of this emerging superstate is quite frankly depressing and embarrassing. The globalists are gradually building a prison around us and Remain voters who didn’t get their way are now aiding and abetting this agenda whilst undermining Britain’s democracy in the process. There are some that would call that treason even if it is unwitting on the part of many.

Recently the UK has also seen the launch of a brand new anti-Brexit party called Renew. This bunch of sore losers have been receiving advice from French MPs connected to Emmanuel Macron’s En Marche movement. Everywhere you look Brexit is under assault. Sadly there are still so many people who don’t understand why.

UPDATE: Soros has now upped his donation to Best for Britain by a further £100,000 bringing the total to half a million pounds:


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