Police called in after teacher ‘misgenders’ a pupil

A charity representing transgender children has called the police on a teacher who refused to use the child’s preferred gender pronoun. They have accused the teacher of committing a hate crime:


The fact that this became a police matter should outrage any person not infected by the mental sickness of Cultural Marxist and SJW ideology. I have written before on the gender issue and the ridiculousness of the concept that someone can be born in the wrong body.

If someone with body dysmorphic disorder told me they felt fat even though they were as skinny as a rake I would not agree with them. It would be wrong to encourage their delusion and dangerous to their mental health. Society at large would not be expected to encourage it either and the police would not consider it a hate crime to tell the person they are wrong. But when it comes to gender it’s a different story. Reality goes out of the window and all that matters is people’s “feelings”. We are increasingly being forced to internalise other people’s fantasies. The young girl in this case is not a boy.  She never will be and people who value basic biological reality and who are truly honest with themselves know this.

Sadly we now live in a world where feelings have been awarded a dominant position over objective reality. People now get to “self identify” depending on how they “feel”. This is being allowed to happen because of our “go along to get along” and “anything for an easy life” attitude. Now with the threat of law enforcement getting involved if we choose reality over fantasy this situation will only get worse.

In a classic case of projection, the charity ‘Mermaids’ that represents trans- children is accusing the teacher of having a negative effect on the child’s mental health when that’s exactly what they are doing. Not only are they encouraging and indulging this young girl’s fantasy about being something she isn’t but they are helping to imprint a victim mentality on her that will be with her for the rest of her life. God only knows what kind of whiny, screechy, freedom-destroying SJW she will grow up to be. In a sane world it would be Mermaids getting investigated by police not the teacher.

Those who promote all this gender nonsense actually believe they are working to make the world a freer place when in reality they are enforcing a new form of social tyranny that will not tolerate any disagreement or descent. Even something as basic as debate is often seen by these people as intolerable and something to be shut down. As the Mail Online reports:

“Volunteers from Mermaids intervened on behalf of the boy, and when the teacher refused to accept their point of view, they called police.”

This is exactly the kind of behavior I would expect from an SJW organisation. If you fail to agree with them and adopt their way of thinking they will appeal to a higher authority and try and destroy you.

Why on earth should the teacher in this case – someone who is a grown adult – be forced by law to put reality aside and take on the delusion of a child? Why should anyone be forced to take on another person’s delusion for that matter? How we can call ourselves an intelligent species while this kind of stuff goes on is beyond me.

The gender madness we’re seeing in the world today is not happening at random or as part of an organic social trend. It is being promoted everywhere and on purpose by globalist social engineers who wish to attack and overturn humanity’s historical norms (in this instance gender roles and the traditional family unit) in order to create a new human being who will inhabit a genderless, raceless, borderless, and freedomless New World Order. The average Cultural Marxist and SJW is so blinded by ideology and leftist cultism that they have no idea of how they are being used or of the dystopian nightmare they are helping to bring about.

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