Pro-migrant activist U-turn, white genocide, and the Kalergi plan

A German SJW who worked for many years as an activist aiding the influx of Muslim refugees into Europe has admitted that her belief that migrants would adopt Western values was misguided. In an interview with a Polish website she says:

Looking back through the years of repetitive experiences and myself in my work environment as a volunteer, I had to admit to myself that when it comes to Muslim refugees, they have grown up with completely different values, into which they have been brainwashed and are indoctrinated by Islam, and have no intention of adopting our values — worse, they look at us, unbelievers with superiority and arrogance.

The migrants she was trying to help would regularly refer to her as a “whore” and she would go on to say that the sexual molestation of volunteers happens “all the time”. You can read the rather lengthy full interview here but for the general gist see the links below:

Many people naively believe that taking in large numbers of migrants and refugees from Muslim and third world countries is a humanitarian act. Humanitarianism may be the motivation of the majority of those working at the ground level to help in this endeavor but what they don’t understand is that they – and the migrants themselves – are being used by a globalist elite to advance their agenda of destroying the nation state in order to move towards global governance. This is why the agenda to flood white Western nations with non-white migrants continues unabated despite the obvious problems. The elites wish to rule over a blended humanity with blurred gender lines and zero freedom.

White people – especially those who are proud of their nations and heritage – are the biggest obstacle to this agenda and therefore have been targeted for marginalisation in their own lands and – as many are increasingly beginning to suspect – even white genocide. Some have connected this anti-white agenda to the ideology of elite stooge Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi; a high level Freemason, believer in Jewish supremacy, and creator of the Pan-European Movement (an ideological predecessor to the European Union). You can read a lengthy summary of the Kalergi Plan here.


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