Richie Allen Show: the Sharon Gale story

Sharon Gale’s baby daughter Charlotte became severely ill following a round of vaccinations and later died. What followed is a shocking story of fraud, corruption, cover-up, and harassment involving medical staff and UK authorities.

This story is also a damning indictment of the mainstream media. It’s refusal to properly tackle this case makes a mockery of the notion that the media exists to serve the public interest.

This is a must-listen and Richie Allen would state at the end of the interview:

I won’t ever cover anything as shockingly corrupt and as horrible as what’s happening to Sharon Gale and what has happened to her and her daughter Charlotte and her family

Show description:

I’ve been producing radio and television programmes for longer than I care to remember. I thought that I had seen and heard everything relating to corruption and cover-ups. I was wrong.

Tonight I am joined by Sharon Gale. Back in 2001, Sharon’s ten week old daughter Charlotte suddenly became very ill and died shortly after being discharged from hospital where she had been treated. Sharon’s then husband Mark Latta was accused of murdering Charlotte. The trial was covered by the national media. The first trial collapsed, there was a subsequent retrial and Mark was rightly exonerated. He had nothing to do with Charlotte’s death.

Sharon was determined to find out what had happened to make Charlotte so ill so quickly and began to investigate. What she uncovered is nothing short of astonishing, a cover-up that goes right to the heart of the medical and political establishment. Sharon has shared official documents with me, documents which prove that there was an attempt to cover-up not only the death of baby Charlotte, but also importantly, what in fact had made her ill. The investigation has had devastating consequences for Sharon. She was repeatedly harassed and threatened by the authorities to the point where she left the country. She arrived back in the UK a couple of years ago, with her young daughter who was born abroad. Shockingly, her daughter was then taken into care on the basis that Sharon presents a risk of future emotional harm to her.

This story reads like a Hollywood thriller. Believe me, what you will hear tonight is all true. I have the paperwork on my desk. Do not miss this.

For an mp3 go to the show’s podcast page here (the interview begins around the 18 minute mark.)

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