Syrian chemical weapons attack: who has the motive?

It has been reported today that chemical weapons have been used in Syria, supposedly by the Assad government. As usual no one in the mainstream media seems to be asking the obvious question… why?

Why would the Syrian government need to use chemical weapons when they are winning and have been for some time? What does the use of chemical weapons achieve other than to give Assad’s enemies the excuse to call for airstrikes and regime change? Whatever one thinks of Assad I’m pretty sure he isn’t suicidal. The last time he was accused of using chemical weapons Donald Trump launched 59 Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian airbase and French president Emmanuel Macron has previously stated that he will attack Syria should it be proved that Assad is guilty of chemical attacks. For the Syrian government there’s nothing to be gained from using chemical weapons against civilians. It makes no sense.

The people with the strongest motive to unleash chemical weapons in Syria are those looking to topple the Syrian government. The Western/Israeli/Saudi backed Jihadist rebels have failed in Syria and have been defeated using conventional means. There’s no need for Assad to jeopardize his strong position by carrying out pointless chemical attacks. With the almost total defeat of the rebels, the only card that they and their backers have left to play is making claims of “chemical weapons” attacks in the hope that this could trigger enough international outrage to justify Western intervention. It is the rebels that are the most likely culprits in this latest event (and previous ones, see here, here and here) because it is they and their sponsors who have the most to gain and pretty much nothing to lose.

As usual with events in Syria, the main source of images and videos comes from the White Helmets, a supposed “search and rescue” NGO that operates solely in rebel (terrorist) held areas. Many believe that the White Helmets (who also refer to themselves as the Syrian Civil Defence) are nothing more than an arm of the jihadi rebels decked out in helmets and uniforms. This group is lauded by Western governments and media despite the evidence of its dubious nature.

Another major source of information about events in Syria is The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights. Despite the name making it sound like a professional outfit, it is in fact, one man, Rahmi Abdul Rahman, who operates out of his home in Coventry, UK. He gets his information by talking to “activists” from the terrorist held zones over Skype. Rahman is a fierce Assad opponent and he and the “activists” who feed him his information (which includes the White Helmets) can pretty much say whatever they like and the media will repeat it as if it’s credible information. Nothing that comes out of these jihadi controlled areas can be trusted.

Of course, the Zionist puppet in the White House, Donald Trump, is already making threats against Iran and Russia in the wake of this latest event. His recent appointment of arch neocon John Bolton as his new National Security Adviser is an ominous sign that regime change in Iran is on the agenda in the near future (possibly by supporting MEK terrorists in a proxy war). Bolton is a nutjob and as Paul Craig Roberts states in his article Bolton: As Bad As It Gets:

Bolton is the perfect national security advisor to get the United States into war against most of the world.

When will Trump’s supporters finally realise that they have been conned?  Or I suppose that should be “neoconned”. Just because a Clinton supporting faction of the Deep State has been out to get Trump doesn’t make him a hero of the American people. The appointment of John Bolton is the complete opposite of “draining the swamp”. Trump’s sabre-rattling with regards to Iran – along with his appointment of Bolton – is proof that what we’re getting is just a continuation of an agenda that began with Bush, continued with Obama, and will proceed under Trump (as it would have also done with Hillary). This agenda was spelled out by General Wesley Clark just after 9/11 when he stated that seven countries were on the neocon hit-list (Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran). In a previous post on this blog about the recent Labour Party anti-Semitism hysteria in the UK, I explained the power that the Israeli lobbies have over US and UK politics and that this Middle-East agenda is ultimately a decades old Israeli/Zionist agenda to destabilise and weaken Israel’s enemies in the region. In his article America’s Jews Are Driving Americas Wars, former CIA officer Philip Giraldi writes of the neocons (the Israel-centric clique who have been driving this agenda forward from Washington):

neocons as a group were founded by Jews and are largely Jewish, hence their universal attachment to the state of Israel. They first rose into prominence when they obtained a number of national security positions during the Reagan Administration and their ascendancy was completed when they staffed senior positions in the Pentagon and White House under George W. Bush. Recall for a moment Paul Wolfowitz, Doug Feith, and Scooter Libby. Yes, all Jewish and all conduits for the false information that led to a war that has spread and effectively destroyed much of the Middle East. Except for Israel, of course. Philip Zelikow, also Jewish, in a moment of candor, admitted that the Iraq War, in his opinion, was fought for Israel.

To bring things back around to Syria, in an article in The New Yorker in 2007, Pulitzer Prize winning investigative reporter Seymour Hersh would write of the neocon-led Bush Administration’s plans regarding Syria and Iran. Hersh states in his piece titled The Redirection:

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

Tony Cartalucci of Land Destroyer in his 2012 article Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by US in 2007 would state:

A 2007 New Yorker article written by renowned journalist Seymour Hersh revealed a plan under the Bush Administration to organize, arm, train, and deploy a regional army of terrorists, many with ties directly to Al Qaeda, in a bid to destabilize and overthrow both Syria and Iran. The plan consisted of US and Israeli backing, covertly funneled through Saudi proxies to conceal Washington and Tel Aviv’s role, in building the sectarian extremist front.

Saudi Arabia’s Prince Bandar is noted by Hersh as instrumental in coordinating efforts between the Saudis, Israel, and the United States, while the political party built up around pro-Saudi Lebanese tycoon Rafic Hariri set the groundwork in Lebanon for the creation of staging points for the violent terrorist front.

With sectarian-extremists committing increasingly frequent and violent atrocities across Syria, the US and the Western media in general, have attempted to portray it as a natural progression of Syria’s internal conflict – when in reality, based on Hersh’s report and confirmed again more recently as the source of the rebels’ funding and support is revealed, it is clearly the result of this long-planned act of foreign aggression against Syria, perpetrated by the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia, and their terrorist proxies in the Muslim Brotherhood.

So, as we can see, the events in Syria since the so-called “rebel” uprising have been part of a conspiracy by the Neocons, Israel, and the Saudis to destroy Syria and it’s government using terrorist proxies (a strategy that was successful in Libya due to the addition of NATO airstrikes in support of the terrorists on the ground.) In 2013, former French Foreign Minister, Roland Dumas, would state on French TV that he was told about this plan by British officials two years before the trouble in Syria began. The failure of the rebels to succeed in their mission has been a major set-back for the conspirators and they, along with the rebels, will be desperate. A game-changing move is required. With all this in mind, I ask again the question I posed in the headline of this post: who has the motive for carrying out this conveniently timed “chemical weapons attack?”


The Corbett Report – The White Helmets Are A Propaganda Construct (keep in mind whilst watching this video that this group is the mainstream media’s main source of information about events in the rebel-held areas in Syria):

General Wesley Clark – “We’re going to take out seven countries in five years” (note that Clark is talking about a conversation he had just after 9/11 before there was any talk of “WMDs”. In other words, the decision to go to war with Iraq had already been made and the non-existent WMDs were just the excuse to proceed):

The Richie Allen Show – Syria Chemical Attack Hoax, Warmongering Criminals May & Trump And More:

The Richie Allen Show – SKY News & BBC Pushing For War Over Fake Syria Chemical Weapons Story:

The Richie Allen Show – Is SKY News Using Actors To Sell Syria Chemical Weapons Lies?:

Tucker Carlson – Would war against Assad make US safer?:

Tucker Carlson – Why is Washington united behind a war in Syria?:

Paul Joseph Watson – Another stupid f**king war:

Paul Joseph Watson & Syrian Girl – World War Syria:

Former UK Amassador to Syria – “what the Jihadists have done is jerk our leash” :

Sky News abruptly ends an interview with General Jonathan Shaw, former commander of the British Armed Forces in Iraq when he calls into question Assad’s motive for carrying out a chemical attack:

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