The NPC meme that’s triggering Leftists

I’ve written many times on this blog about SJWs (Social Justice Warriors). These are essentially humourless, robotic, PC liberals who obsess over social justice causes, get offended on behalf of any and all minority groups, spend most of their time shrieking about white and male “privilege”, think all women should automatically be believed when making sexual assault allegations, and just generally get a high from being outraged. But it seems the term SJW is going through an evolution right now and being somewhat supplanted by the new term NPC. This term has been popularised as the result of an internet meme emanating from the popular message board 4Chan. The website Zero Hedge explains:

The “weaponized autists” at 4Chan have done it again, because they can; a new meme suggesting that liberals are soulless idiots who can’t think for themselves has gone viral. The concept compares Democrats to “nonplayable characters,” or NPCs – the recurring characters in video games with repetitive lines and limited knowledge. Lack of an “inner voice” is a dead giveaway that someone may be an NPC.

The NPC meme essentially meant to ridicule the post-election perpetual outrage culture in which liberals simply parrot the latest talking points from their favorite pundits, who do their thinking for them.

The 4chan version is a simple greyed out, expressionless face known as “NPC Wojak” – which has triggered the left so hard that Twitter conducted a mass-banning campaign for accounts promoting the meme, and the New York Times wrote an entire article trying to figure it out.

I must say I find it all very amusing. Liberals really can’t stomach being made fun of. They have been whining about the meme being “dehumanizing”. This is rather ironic as their whole shtick is to essentially dehumanize anyone who disagrees with them by labeling them as racist, sexist, and “literally Hitler”. This name calling tactic is generally employed as a diversion in order put Conservatives and Right-wingers onto the back foot and force them to defend their own humanity, thus steering the discussion away from any rational intellectual debate over divisive issues. This is done because radical Leftists know their arguments are often contradictory and based on emotion rather than logic or reality. They know they can’t compete on an intellectual level with their opponents and can only repeat pre-packaged talking points and empty slogans handed to them by their cherished Left-wing media outlets and college professors.

Although the Right has it’s faults too, particularly the Alt-Right, Alt-Lite, and Right-wing conspiracy media types who have a misguided faith in Donald Trump and actually believe he’s an anti-establishment maverick, they are nevertheless much less robotic – and are therefore much more human – than their Leftist counterparts. They are more likely to engage in self-reflection and identify any misguided beliefs over time and refine their position as events in the world play out. This is something that a robot radical Leftist is completely incapable of. And what’s more, those on the Right can maintain a sense of humour that allows them to run rings around their ideological opponents. This is especially true when it comes to the art of online mockery. This latest meme is an excellent example of this.

The modern day radical leftist really is one of the most empty, vapid, and quite frankly ridiculous creatures ever to walk the face of the earth, and I do enjoy it when something triggers them like this. They know it’s true, they know this meme encapsulates them perfectly, which is why it angers them so much. Whoever came up with NPC Wojak really does deserve an award of some kind.

Find the Zero Hedge article below along with a useful video which explains the NPC meme:

In the latest edition of the discussion show, The Boiler Room, the contributors had a lengthy and amusing chat about the NPC meme and it’s triggering of Liberals (mp3 available here):