Red Ice Radio: Adam Green on the censorship of free speech regarding Israel

On this blog I’ve highlighted several times the increasing trend towards stamping out criticism of Israel as well as any talk of disproportionate Jewish and Zionist power. This is often done using the “anti-Semitism” smear and pushing the notion of a “rise” in anti-Semitic incidents.

As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve seen in the US attempts to push through bills designed to quash the movement to boycott Israeli goods (known as the BDS movement) in a clear violation of Americans’ First Amendment rights (see here and here). And whilst some courts have seen sense and upheld the right to free speech it’s not all good news and the agenda continues. We’ve recently seen a California synagogue shooting being cited as justification to push forward an “anti-semitism” bill in Florida targeting free speech in public schools and universities. In the UK we’ve seen the “anti-Semitism” smear used to attack anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian elements within the Labour Party (find my posts on that topic here and here). Earlier this year in the US we saw the Democrat congresswoman Ilhan Omar come under heavy fire from colleagues and the media because she committed the cardinal sin of suggesting that the Israel lobby was powerful in US politics (something which is blatantly obvious). Given that Omar is black, Muslim, and female you would expect her to be pretty much immune from attack in today’s politically correct climate, but call out Zionist or Jewish influence and no one is immune. In 2017 former UKIP leader Nigel Farage also found himself being accused of anti-Semitism for mentioning the influence of America’s Israel lobby during his radio show. Farage has again been accused of anti-Semitism for appearing on the Alex Jones Show and using terms like “globalist” and “new world order.” Neither Farage or Jones are anti-Israel which just shows how ludicrous and hysterical this is all becoming.

In his article The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam, Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi writes of the increasing use of the anti-Semitism smear as a means of silencing criticism of Israel. He quotes a former Israeli Minister who explained that labeling people “anti-Semitic” is an often used “trick” against Israel’s critics. Giraldi writes:

The Israelis and, to be sure, many diaspora Jews know exactly how the expression has been weaponized. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explained how it is done “Anti-Semitic”…“its a trick, we always use it.”

He goes on to cover the supposed “rise” in anti-Semitism:

…the alleged increase in anti-Semitic incidents is largely fueled by how those incidents are defined. Israel and its friends have worked hard to broaden the parameters of the discussion, making any criticism of Israel or its activities either a hate crime or ipso facto an anti-Semitic incident. The U.S. State Department’s working definition of anti-Semitism includes “…the targeting of the state of Israel” and it warns that anti-Semitism is a criminal offense. Recent legislation in Washington and also in Europe has criminalized hitherto legal and non-violent efforts to pressure Israel regarding its inhumanity vis-à-vis the Palestinians. Legitimate criticism of Israel thereby becomes both anti-Semitism and criminal, increasing the count of so-called anti-Semitic incidents. That means that the numbers inevitably go up, providing fodder to validate a repressive response

In a recent episode of Red Ice Radio, recorded in the wake of the recent California synagogue shooting and the passing of the Florida bill, Adam Green of Know More News joined the show to discuss the climate of censorship regarding criticism of Israel and Jewish power. He also covers other issues that I’ve covered on this site such as Jewish Supremacy and Messianic agendas. He also points out the hypocrisy of kosher conservative pundits such as the Zionist hag, Pamela Geller, who organised a “draw Muhhamad” cartoon contest in 2015 and yet gets all angry about a supposedly “anti-Semitic” New York Times cartoon mocking Donald Trump’s slavish relationship with Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (Trump is a slave of Israel just as the cartoon suggests, see here). Geller encapsulates what I’ve said before on this blog about such pro-Israel right-wingers. They only care about THEIR free speech and THEIR right to criticise and mock Islam. They hold themselves up as valiant crusaders for free speech but if anyone criticises or mocks Israel – or just Trump’s subservience to it – then they quickly change their tune and cry “anti-Semitism!!!” Political commentator Paul Craig Roberts remarks on the cartoon in a piece for his site:

The NYT cartoon is not anti-semitic. The cartoon is factual. Moreover, the cartoon is directed against Trump, not against Israel. To declare the cartoon “anti-semitic” broadens the reach of “anti-semitic” to include criticism of Israel’s non-Jewish friends.

He goes on to state:

The Israeli ambassador to the UN says the New York Times cartoon is anti-semitic and is responsible for shooting attacks at synagogues.

Anti-semitism “must be punished” and “criminalized,” declared the Israeli. Even justified criticisms of Israel are defined as “anti-semitic,” so what the ambassador is demanding is that criticism of Israel be criminalized.

Meanwhile the ambassador who so deplores critical words against Israel has nothing to say about the ongoing Israeli slaughter of Palestinians with missiles, bombs, and bullets whose land Israel has stolen. Slaughtering Palestinians is permissible but criticizing Israel is not. That is the Zionist position.

Pamela Geller also supports the introduction of anti-Semitism legislation. A post on her website said of the bill recently passed in Florida (emphasis added):

This is exactly what is needed for the American Jewish community. Public schools have become breeding grounds for anti-Jewish and anti-Israel hate. Radical and violent Left-wing groups such as Students for Justice in Palestine dominate school campuses, and have made life for Jewish students unsafe.

This bill should also go a long way in protecting the First Amendment rights of pro-Israel Jewish students as well, who have been bullied, abused, and marginalized when expressing their pro-Israel views.

As I said, these people only care about the First Amendment and free speech as it relates to their own pro-Zionist side. When anti-Zionists exercise their free speech to critique Israel the kosher conservatives turn into complete snowflakes. This is largely because their position is pretty much indefensible. They know the only way to win is to cheat by getting some legislative help from the state, essentially making intellectual attacks on their position into a hate crime. Red Ice Radio host Henrik Palmgren had this to say on the above quote from Geller:

Look at the doublespeak and the Orwellian nature of this… So basically, banning them from talking about things which is critical of Israel is now pro free speech. Wow! What a logical somersault that is!

Geller’s post goes on to advocate pushing for more such free speech shattering legislation stating:

If AIPAC [the Israel lobby] was smart they would be focusing on lobbying other state legislators to enact similar legislation.

Oh I’m sure they will, Pamela. Just give ’em time.

Adam Green astutely sums up the situation regarding anti-Semitism legislation when he says:

Imagine a small minority group is over-represented in power and now they are passing laws that you can’t talk about their over-representation of power.

That’s pretty much what we’re seeing in a nutshell.

Find the Red Ice Radio episode below (mp3 available here):

Show Description: Adam Green joins Henrik to talk about the anti–Semitism bill that passed in Florida two days after the California synagogue shooter. Free speech in America is slowly being abolished as new bills and laws are passed that bypass the first amendment.

Former Israeli Minister tells Democracy Now that the term anti-Semitic is “a trick… we always use it“:

Also see the related post Red Ice Radio: Adam Green on the Israel-first conservatives

UPDATE: Adam Green has an excellent video on his YouTube channel covering this whole topic (the video can also be found on Bitchute here):

UPDATE 2: Adam Green talks with fellow researcher into these matters, Christopher Jon Bjerknes. The discussion broadens out the picture and makes for a useful companion video to the one above (Bitchute link here):