Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide… or so we’re told

It has been announced today that billionaire Jewish financier Jeffrey Epstein has committed “suicide” in prison whilst awaiting sex trafficking charges. His imminent death had been predicted by many in alt-media circles due to the can of worms that could be opened should he face a trial and prolonged investigation into his activities. Epstein was notorious for befriending VIPs from the world of politics, royalty and celebrity, often flying them out to his private island using his plane (dubbed The Lolita Express) where, it has been alleged, many young girls below the age of consent would “service” the visiting VIPs.

That’s the extremely short version. I’m not going to bother going into all the details which can be found elsewhere and have been extensively covered within alternative and, to a degree, mainstream media but I just wanted to point out one aspect of the Epstein saga that mainstream media tends to avoid which is that in all likelihood Epstein’s activities were part of a large scale blackmail operation, probably being run by Israeli intelligence (and likely involving other intelligence agencies and organised crime networks), designed to compromise rich, famous and influential people using underage girls. I wonder how many politically influential people found out after taking a trip to Epstein’s island and getting their rocks off that their activities had been recorded on video tape?

Epstein’s alleged recruiter and handler of the young girls in question was one Ghislaine Maxwell, daughter of the late Jewish businessman and media mogul Robert Maxwell who has been accused of being a Mossad agent (see here and here).

In my opinion Epstein’s operation formed part of the Zionist control structure which, along with it’s extensive lobbying operations and control over media and entertainment, dominates the political and cultural landscape of the US and many other major Western nations.

You can decide for yourself whether you think Epstein’s death is suspicious or not. I know what I think.

Below is an episode of Red Ice Radio from last month in which Adam Green of Know More News joins the show to discuss the whole Epstein affair (mp3 available here and Bitchute link here).

Show description: Adam Green from Know More News joins Henrik to talk about Jeffrey Epstein and the large network of establishment figures that are connected to him. We talk about the groomers like Ghislaine Maxwell and those part of the cover-up, like “high-profile lawyer” Alan Dershowitz. We discuss the activities at Epstein’s Island, the strange “temple” and rumors about underground facilities. Adam goes into the strange connections to Israel’s sex slavery rings and the religion that might underpin this entire case. We also play testimony of one of the most outspoken victims, Virginia Roberts. Towards the end we also talk about the strange case of Isaac Kappy and if any of the things he talked about was connected to Jeffrey Epstein. This is an important show with a lot of material discussed that you won’t hear from any mainstream media outlets.

The Epstein case was also discussed by Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill in a recent episode of the Powers And Principalities podcast, a show which is no longer being uploaded to YouTube but the mp3 can be downloaded via the link below:

UPDATE: In the immediate wake of the news of Jeffrey Epstein’s “suicide” Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice joined up with researcher Ryan Dawson for a two-hour live stream to discuss the matter. Find the discussion below (mp3 here and Bitchute link here):

Show description: Ryan Dawson joins Henrik to talk about the shocking fact that Jeffrey Epstein was found dead in his jail cell from apparent suicide. This comes right after documents were unsealed naming names and when the Victoria Roberts/Giuffre vs. Ghislaine Maxwell lawsuit goes to court. Later we unravel Epstein’s connections to intelligence and other elites entrapped in his circles.

UPDATE 2: James Corbett of has done a thorough and level-headed report on the Epstein “suicide”. In the video he focuses solely on the circumstances surrounding the death itself and not the bigger picture regarding Epstein. Find the video below. For an mp3 version and alternative video links go to Corbett’s own website here:

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