David Icke on Covid-19: An Elite Deception To Bring In Technocracy

In the video below, alternative media journalist Spiro Sakouris talks with researcher into the world conspiracy, David Icke, about all things Covid-19. In the discussion they cover many issues related to the topic such as manipulation of the death toll, Bill Gates and the push for mass vaccination, how the pandemic is being used to usher in technocracy, and more.

While many – even in conspiracy research circles – find some of Icke’s more “out there” theories hard to stomach his overall thesis regarding Covid-19 and the agenda behind it very much dovetails with my own view which I lay out in my post Covid-19 Plan-demic: Forwarding An Elite Agenda. In that post I point the finger at a cabalistic cult known as the Sabbatean-Frankists (as well as Masonic secret societies) as being my prime suspects in engineering the pandemic as a means to advance a technocratic control agenda. Icke is well aware of the Sabbatean-Frankists and in this interview gives a good overview of the Covid-19 situation and the threat humanity faces at this current time. Icke states during the discussion:

“If we do nothing then what they want is going to happen. My books are full of stuff – over decades – that’s turned out to be true. This is not because I’m a prophet. It’s not because I’ve sat cross-legged on a mountain and pulled it out of the aether. If you can uncover what this plan is through sweat and effort… then you can predict accurately the future by simply exposing the plan. Because if nothing comes to intervene to stop the plan playing out, it will play out, and in exposing the plan you are predicting the future. The whole point of my life, and everyone else who’s committed to this, is to create that intervention so you stop predicting the future and other future’s start to play out.”

Find the interview below along with a Bitchute link in case YouTube remove the video:

Show description: In this exclusive interview, Spiro is joined by David Icke. Spiro and David discuss the ongoing coronavirus crisis. David explains how the public is being manipulated by the system in perhaps the greatest psychological operation in history, as medical and government officials admit the numbers have been inflated. The official projected coronavirus numbers disseminated by the establishment to the public, which were used to justify the lockdowns, were based on controversial and inaccurate computer models funded by Bill Gates. In this must-see interview, David Icke and Spiro examine the events leading up to this current crisis, including the shutdown of the US military bioweapons program Fort Detrick, to the world military games in Wuhan China (the alleged ground zero of the outbreak) to Event 201 and much more. In this report, David Icke lays out the entire scenario piecing together the puzzle, leading up to present day and projecting ahead while not only exposing the frontmen for this global operation, but exposing who is at the very top of the pyramid, and it is not Bill Gates…


In a previous post on this blog titled Know More News: David Icke on 9/11, The Sabbatean-Frankists, Zionism & the New World Order I highlighted an appearance by Icke on Adam Green’s Know More News YouTube channel in which he discussed his latest book on the 9/11 attacks. In that appearance Icke goes into the Sabbatean-Frankist cult and their agenda. I will include that video here also. Although recorded prior to the coronavirus outbreak it excellently compliments the video above in terms of providing a big picture summary of who controls our world and what their aims are. This is something that people really need to get up to speed on now more than ever. Again, I include a link to Bitchute in case of future YouTube censorship:


Please see my coronavirus page for more posts on this topic.