James Corbett: The Great Reset and the Biosecurity Paradigm

In this video James Corbett of corbettreport.com chats with Dave Cullen of Computing Forever about coronavirus, the “new normal” and the Great Reset agenda. Corbett explains that “we are being transitioned from a paradigm of health to a paradigm of biosecurity” and goes on to state:

So… now health isn’t something that you can partake in, it’s not something you are entitled to, its not something that you can go and seek help with, no, now you are “obligated” to be healthy. And how do you do that? Well, whatever the doctors say you have to do, and if you don’t that’s because you are not participating in the biosecurity paradigm… you are a biosecurity threat. What they have done is they have taken the terror paradigm that was instituted over the past two decades and they have switched that into the war on the invisible enemy, and the invisible enemy could be in you, it could be in me, it could be in anyone at any time… so now everyone is a potential terrorist (I mean “asymptomatic carrier”). That’s what it is. They are flipping the switch and now everyone is the terrorist and all of the erection of the police state that has been carefully erected over the past couple of decades is now being wielded against the general populace.”

View the video below (corbettreport.com link):

View on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YiKShOGba94/


I encourage everyone to watch Corbett’s extremely important two-hour documentary, Who Is Bill Gates? (corbettreport.com link):

View on Bitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TY-vLrz9XCc


Also check out Corbett’s coronavirus coverage at his website HERE

For my ow coronavirus coverage go HERE