UK Vaccine Passports Coming Soon

On Monday 19th June UK Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, announced that vaccine passports would be a requirement to enter nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather from the end of September.  Johnson stated:

“As we said last week, we do reserve the right to mandate certification at any point if it’s necessary to reduce transmission.

“And I should serve notice now that by the end of September, when all over 18s have had their chance to be double jabbed we’re planning to make full vaccination the condition of entry to nightclubs and other venues where large crowds gather.”

Johnson explained that “Proof of a negative test will no longer be enough” and went on to make the following threat:

“Some of life’s most important pleasures and opportunities are likely to be increasingly dependent on vaccination.”

This is sick! Threatening and blackmailing people into submitting to an injection they may not want is as disgusting as it gets. In a sane world such behavior would land Johnson – and any other public figure who engages in such threats – in prison.

Let’s be very clear about this: turning normal life into a set of privileges and then insisting the public submit to the State’s will in order to earn those privileges is NOT freedom! Being free to do as we are told is NOT being free! It’s slavery!

Telling decent law-abiding citizens that they can only engage in normal everyday activities if they surrender their bodily sovereignty – and then provide proof on demand – is evil through and through!

This is not the relationship that citizens of a “free” country ought to have with the State and must be resisted. Johnson and his partners-in-crime are now showing their true totalitarian nature. Such gangsters need to be expunged from public life immediately!

Celebrity Heroes & Villains:

Two celebrities in-particular have caught my eye in the wake of this unfolding situation… one a hero and the other a villain.

In response to the plans to introduce vaccine passports at large events musician, Eric Clapton, made it clear that he was on the side of freedom by announcing his refusal to play any shows where the audience would be expected to show proof of vaccination. RT reports:

Reacting to the British government requiring Covid-19 vaccine passes for access to live venues and nightclubs, musician Eric Clapton said he would cancel shows at places that discriminated against the unvaccinated.

Saying he felt “honour-bound to make an announcement of my own,” after PM Boris Johnson announced the vaccine passes on July 19, Clapton said he would “not perform on any stage where there is a discriminated audience present. Unless there is provision made for all people to attend, I reserve the right to cancel the show.”

Meanwhile, a celebrity who has made it clear that he is on the side of control and authoritarianism is England football manager, Gareth Southgate. This sad excuse for a man has chosen to exert his influence over the young – in the wake of leading the England football team to its first tournament final since the 1960s – by echoing Boris Johnson’s threat that “freedom” (i.e. privileges) will only come to those who submit to vaccination. In a public statement issued by 10 Downing Street Southgate said of the vaccines:

“And there’s no doubt that the vaccination programme is our best route out of this problem, not only for us as a country but across the world.

“So I just wanted to say how important it is, if you haven’t had your vaccine yet, to go and get it done.”

He would add:

“it’s the chance for everything to open up, to get your freedom back”.

He continued:

“So much of that is going to rest on you having the vaccine.”

In other words… take the damn jab or you don’t get those privileges kids!

Everyone, whether vaxxed or unvaxxed, should be appalled by this!

Clapton is a hero for taking a stand and using his profile to push back against the enemies of freedom while Southgate is a pathetic, snivelling wretch of a man allowing himself to be used as a propaganda tool to reinforce UK government threats designed to coerce the young into getting injected with experimental cocktails for which there is no long-term safety profile.

One of these men deserves our praise while the other deserves to be chased into the nearest jail cell (along with Boris Johnson & Co) by decent freedom-defending citizens of the UK.

Let’s hope more performers like Clapton take a stand against this evil authoritarian system which is now so obviously making a play for absolute control and domination under the cover of the Covid scamdemic.

We have now reached the point that every so-called “conspiracy theorist” said from day one was coming: the introduction of the vaccine passport (and ultimately the digital ID). Tyranny is now banging on our front door with a battering ram and we have to decide where we stand. People need to ask themselves are they going to be a Clapton or a Southgate? Are you going to be a heroic defender of freedom or a weasely destroyer of it?

After the vaccine certification and the digital ID comes the Chinese-style social credit system leading to the full-blown open-air digital prison of Technocracy. None of this is history just unfolding… it has all been planned. The Covid response was never about health… it was always about control!

How many times do conspiracy theorists have to be right before people wake the f*ck up!!!

In the video below Talkradio host, Mike Graham, talks with Madaleine Stone of Big Brother Watch on the topic of vaccine passports. Quite rightly she calls for a boycott of venues and events requiring vaccine certification:

The key to the entire deception:

Various types of belief can be implanted in many people, after brain function has been sufficiently disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger, or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances, the most common one is temporarily impaired judgement and heightened suggestibility. It’s various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of “herd instinct,” and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and in all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility.

Psychiatrist, Dr. William Sargent, from his 1957 book ‘Battle For The Mind: A Physiology of Conversion and Brain-Washing’ [PDF p131]