The threat to free speech

Free speech is under attack. Over the weekend two anti-immigragration activists, Martin Sellner and girlfriend Brittany Pettibone, were detained at Luton airport trying to enter the country. Sellner was on his way to England to give a talk at Speaker’s Corner in London’s Hyde Park on the topic of free speech whilst Pettibone was planning an interview with fellow anti-immigration activist Tommy Robinson. Sellner was told by authorities that his speech may cause tension among local communites and possibly incite racial hatred. The reason for Pettibone’s detention was that she was planning to meet with an “extremist” (Robinson).  Robinson was recently physically attacked along with his camerawoman by a group of masked Far-left Antifa thugs. Sellner and Pettibone were held over the weekend in separate detention centers and have now been released. These incidents and more are covered in the article below:

Another blow to free speech took place recently when notorious “conspiracy theorist” David Icke had a scheduled speaking event cancelled in his home town of Leicester. The venue decided to cancel after being visited by counter-terrorism officers and council officials who were concerned – apparently based on “intelligence” they had received –  that trouble could occur should the event go ahead. Although police could not reveal to Icke the source of this “intelligence” he is pretty sure (based on past experience) that it came from a Zionist organisation called the Campaign Against Antisemitism. This group’s modus operandi is to try and shut down critics of Israel and Zionism by making up lies about them and warning that trouble may occur if such people are allowed to speak publicly. Often venues and authorities swallow the lies of this group wholesale and don’t even bother to find out if their claims are true. Other targets of the CAA include songwriter Alison Chabloz and Israeli jazz musician, author, and critic of Zionism and Jewish identity politics Gilad Atzmon. Last year an audience member who was attending one of Atzmon’s concerts in Oxford was assaulted whilst exiting the venue. The CAA had previously written to the venue warning that something may happen should the event go ahead.

Other recent threats to free speech involve YouTube (owned by Google) shutting down channels of those involved in alternative media. A few weeks ago radio presenter Richie Allen had his channel deleted due to some spurious claim that past shows could be interpreted as “bullying” whilst more recently Mike Adams of (a conservative website which takes an alternative health angle) has also had his channel deleted. There are many others who have found themselves in the same boat in recent weeks and this is no doubt only the beginning. The article below details this disturbing YouTube banning trend and similar stories could be told of other social media outfits such as Facebook and Twitter:

The Daily Caller in an article about YouTube Censorship reports that Left-wing NGOs are used by YouTube to police content on the platform as part of their “Trusted Flaggers” program:

The Southern Poverty Law Center is assisting YouTube in policing content on their platform, The Daily Caller has learned.”

“The left-wing nonprofit — which has more recently come under fire for labeling legitimate conservative organizations as “hate groups” — is one of the more than 100 nongovernment organizations (NGOs) and government agencies in YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers” program, a source with knowledge of the arrangement told TheDC.”

“The SPLC and other program members help police YouTube for extremist content, ranging from so-called hate speech to terrorist recruiting videos.”

“All of the groups in the program have confidentiality agreements, a spokesperson for Google, YouTube’s parent company, previously told TheDC. A handful of YouTube’s “Trusted Flaggers,” including the Anti-Defamation League and No Hate Speech — a European organization focused on combatting intolerance — have gone public with their participation in the program. The vast majority of the groups in the program have remained hidden behind their confidentiality agreements.

Sellner, Pettibone and Robinson’s only “crimes” are being critical of Islam, expressing concern about bringing large numbers of Muslim and third world migrants into Europe, and highlighting negative migrant behaviour (just in the last few days the UK has been hit with revelations of yet another grooming gang in Telford, this one apparently even worse than the previous ones). David Icke’s “crimes” involve trying to warn people of the globalist machinations of the Jewish Rothschild banking dynasty, being critical of their pet nation Israel, and trying to alert people to the Zionist domination of global politics (particularly in the US, UK and Europe). All of these modern day “heresies” can be backed up with evidence and should be obvious to anyone who has actually bothered to do the homework.

One note of caution: from the perspective of the globalist elite, if tensions reach fever pitch between migrants and native Europeans this could provide the perfect rationale for the implementation of a martial law situation under the pretext of “maintaining order”. This could be a gift to the elites which would allow them to march ahead with their globalist agenda much quicker. In this sense, people on the Right such as Sellner, Pettibone, and Robinson do run the risk of helping to bring such a situation about. On the other hand, to bury our heads in the sand and simply allow millions of Muslim and third world migrants to flood Europe does have the potential to be devastating for European Civilisation. To be aware of the problems is one thing, but if handled the wrong way things could backfire. This is the precarious situation we find ourselves in and concerned and aware Europeans must bear this in mind when attempting to find solutions to the current situation. But one thing is certain: the right to free speech must be upheld as it is the very foundation of a free society.

See the videos below for more on the Sellner/Pettibone and Icke incidents:

UPDATE: Some recommended articles below:

Update 2: Red Ice Radio talk with Mark Collett (author of The Fall Of Western Man) about the current state of free speech in the UK (for an mp3 go to the podcast page here):

Also see Collett’s video “Freedom In The UK Is Dead”:


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