Free speech update: James Woods and Roosh V

There’s recently been a couple more victims in the ongoing corporate assault on free speech. The Hollywood actor James Woods got his account suspended by Twitter for posting a meme mocking a Democratic Party ad campaign. Zero Hedge reports that:

Outspoken conservative actor James Woods was suspended from posting to Twitter over a two-month-old satirical meme which very clearly parodies a Democratic advertisement campaign. While the actor’s tweets are still visible, he is unable to post new content.

The offending tweet from July 20, features three millennial-aged men with “nu-male smiles” and text that reads “We’re making a Woman’s Vote Worth more by staying home.” Above it, Woods writes “Pretty scary that there is a distinct possibility this could be real. Not likely, but in this day and age of absolute liberal insanity, it is at least possible.”

The ridiculous reason given by Twitter is that Woods’ meme could impact an election. RT reports on this below:

Another recent casualty of the war on free expression is Roosh V, a notorious pick-up artist and founder of the Right-leaning ‘manosphere’ website Return Of Kings. Just days after releasing his latest book, Game, Amazon removed it from their website along with several more of his earlier works and failed to give any specifics as to exactly what guidelines he is supposed to have violated. He’s also had all of his books removed by Barnes & Noble and Kobo. In his article Amazon Has Banned 9 of My Books Without Explanation, Roosh points out that there are a myriad of books for sale on Amazon that are much worse than anything he’s ever put out, suggesting that he has, indeed, been specifically targeted for ideological/political reasons. The American Spectator explains that:

Daryush Valizadeh, a/k/a “Roosh V,” is a legendary 39-year-old pickup artist (PUA) who became notorious for a series of books describing his libidinous forays in European countries (Bang Iceland, Bang Estonia, etc.). His popularity eventually made him a target of feminists, and the Southern Poverty Law Center actually declared Roosh’s website Return of Kings a “hate group.”All of this, you understand, because Roosh shares advice to help single guys learn how to “score” with women. Males who pursue heterosexual activity are now guilty of “misogyny” and “male supremacy,” according to the SPLC.

Roosh pointed out that Amazon sells many book titles full of graphic sexual content, e.g., the bestseller Fifty Shades of Gray: “Dozens of books that feature violent rape are not only available on Amazon, but are featured within lists on Amazon-owned Goodreads so shoppers can find them easier. There are hundreds of other pornographic books that depict sex in the most graphic way possible, with covers that are barely safe for work, and they are all still available.

Roosh tells his story in the video below:

And in this video Roosh discusses his Amazon censorship experience as well as the wider issue of modern censorship with Red Ice TV (mp3 available here):


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