Red Ice TV: Mark Collett calls out Tommy Robinson and his crew as Israel-first shills

In an interview from a couple of weeks ago which I’ve only just got around to watching, right-wing nationalist, YouTuber, podcast host, and author of the book The Fall of Western Man, Mark Collett, spoke with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice TV on the topic of Tommy Robinson and those who surround him (such as Jewish Zionist Avi Yemini)

I’ve covered Robinson and his role as a Zionist propagandist before in the posts linked below. I won’t repeat myself other than to summarise the basics which is that Robinson, as well as the broader alt-lite arm of alternative media, essentially operates as a controlled opposition to globalism who’s primary function is to steer dissent against Islamic immigration into the West down a pro-Zionist path, focusing solely on Islam whilst playing down and ignoring the Jewish/Zionist role in promoting globalism, mass migration, and the Middle-East wars that create the refugee flows in the first place. For more detail on all this see my previous posts:

The Tommy Robinson saga, the Alt-lite gatekeepers, and the Jewish Question

Tommy Robinson, the Alt-lite, Cambridge Analytica, Staged Terror & the Clash of Civilizations

Tommy Robinson’s hard-on for Israel and what that country is really all about

Collett is well aware of the Jewish role in the mass-migration agenda but over the years, from what I’ve seen and heard of his work, has been reluctant to criticize Robinson and call out his shilling for Zionism and Jewish power. I put this down to the fact that Collett’s views on Islamic immigration are largely in-line with those expressed by Robinson and that he was willing to give him a free pass on the Zionism issue due to the amount of attention he was garnering to the anti-Islam cause. Of course, as it has become ever more clear who Robinson ultimately serves, Collett has recently begun critiquing Robinson more and more. He was always going to have to deal with the issue eventually as his own views on the forces behind globalism were inevitably going to lead him into conflict with the Robinson gang and the rest of the kosher nationalist alt-lite clique who seek to shield those forces from scrutiny. It seems this situation came to a head with Robinson’s crew taking a swipe at Collett in a recent video, causing him, it would seem, to take the gloves off somewhat. Brandon Martinez of summarises the situation in his piece Zio-Shill Tommy Robinson YouTube Channel Attacks Mark Collett, stating:

The video essentially tries to prove that Collett is a “Nazi” and shames two former Robinson supporters who became red-pilled on the JQ and were subsequently exiled by the Tommy crowd for asking too many questions about the “chosen people”.

Shazia Hobbs, mentioned in the video, was an avid Robinson supporter until she got woke on Jews, for which she was permanently banned from the Robinson news website.

The real right has been calling out the Robinson sham for a long time. It’s surprising how long it’s taken some of these people to realize that he’s a bought and paid for Jewish operative. His mission is to keep you focused exclusively on Islam, while the Jews ransack our civilization from behind the curtain.

Below is Collett’s Red Ice TV interview where he discusses the situation. Anyone interested in the topic of Robinson, the alt-lite, and the subversive nature of Israel and Zionism might find it interesting (mp3 available here and Bitchute link here):

Show description: Mark Collett joins Henrik to talk about the poorly made video Tommy Robinson’s news crew made attacking him. Tommy Robinson is currently in jail and so it remains unclear if he approved the video or not. We discuss some of the issues with the people surrounding Tommy, their uncritical support for Zionism and hypocritical stance on Israel.

Below are Collett’s videos The Jewish Role In The Refugee Crisis and Wars For Israel Drive Mass Migration (accompanied with Bitchute links in case of future YouTube censorship):

The Jewish Role In The Refugee Crisis (Bitchute link):

Wars For Israel Drive Mass Migration (Bitchute link):

Also see my related post: Adam Green & Mark Collett discuss Jewish & Zionist power