3 Videos That White People Need To See

Mark Collett – The Lies that Set America on Fire (Bitchute link):

Johnny Gat – George Floyd & the Notorious Race Hustler Tariq Nasheed:

Adam Green – The Engineered Destruction of America:






Related posts:

Racial Tension, Cultural Marxism, and the Chaos Agenda

Roosh V: Black Lives Matter


Know More News: Europhobia & The Destruction of Edom

In the video below, Adam Green of Know More News does a very good job of covering a topic which I covered in my post Notre Dame fire: the alt-right reaction and who the real enemy is.

In that post I attempted to point out the hatred that exists within Judaism for Christianity and Europeans and how Jews are central to the agenda to alter the demographics in Europe and foist “multiculturalism” and “diversity” on European societies. Diversity by definition means less white people, which is the idea.

Whilst it’s an incredibly un-PC thing to discuss, the fact remains that many Jews – particulary those who subscribe to Talmudic and Old Testament teachings and prophesies of Jewish chosen-ness and destiny – have a seething hatred for European peoples. This hate dwarfs any animosity they may have with Muslims over their silly territorial squabble in the Middle-East. Supremacist Jews, as you’ll see in the video, actually welcome Muslim immigration into Europe viewing it as divine retribution and fulfillment of their prophesies. These Jews harbor a revenge fantasy against Europeans for what they believe to be centuries of persecution. Their list of grievances is long and includes the taking of Jerusalem and destruction of their precious temple by the Romans, forced conversions by the Catholic church, the fact that they consider Christianity to be idolatry and, of course, those ultimate supervillains the Nazis. No doubt there are many other reasons that I’ve missed out.

Supremacist Jews know how to hold a grudge and right now they are exacting their revenge. Green’s video is a must-watch for anyone interested in this topic and that goes double for those not yet awake to the Supremacist Jew problem in our midst. I’ve included a Bitchute link below the video for when the inevitable happens and Green gets booted off YouTube:

Bitchute link: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CcRG4CUuCqA/

See my post Notre Dame fire: the alt-right reaction and who the real enemy is as well as the article Extremist Rabbis: Talmudic prophecies call for destruction of Europe, war between Christians and Muslims by Sean Jobst for more on this topic.

General Election 2019: Why Labour Lost

As many will already be aware the Conservative Party in the UK has won a sizable majority in the UK general election with Labour suffering a crushing defeat. Even many of their long held constituencies, largely made up of those who probably never even considered voting Conservative, have been lost to the Tories.

While I don’t intend to go too deep into the election topic in general I do want to run through what I consider to be the key moments that have led the Labour Party into the situation they currently find themselves. Ultimately it comes down to two things. Firstly, the immigration issue which is tied in with the free movement/open borders policy of the European Union. Secondly, Labour’s steadfast refusal to listen to their white working class support base who have long been concerned about the effect of migration and the demographic shifts taking place in their communities.

The reason why Labour has found itself in this dismal position is, I believe, largely the result of the following chain of events:

2009: Andrew Neather, a former advisor to Labour bigwigs, Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett, states in an article for the Evening Standard that mass-migration into the UK was a deliberate policy of the ruling Labour Party. The media widely reports this frank admission by a top Labour adviser. The October 2009 Telegraph article Labour wanted mass immigration to make UK more multicultural, says former adviser states:

Labour threw open Britain’s borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a “truly multicultural” country, a former Government adviser has revealed.

The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett.

He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”.

As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.

Critics said the revelations showed a “conspiracy” within Government to impose mass immigration for “cynical” political reasons.

Mr Neather was a speech writer who worked in Downing Street for Tony Blair and in the Home Office for Jack Straw and David Blunkett, in the early 2000s.

This is the first major red flag for the white working classes that there is a problem with Labour.

2010: Labour Prime minister, Gordon Brown, whilst on the campaign trail in Rochdale encountered a voter who expressed concerns about the effect of mass-migration from Eastern Europe. Brown would later be caught on microphone referring to her as a “bigoted woman.” For many white working class traditional Labour voters who are also displeased with large scale migration this becomes a major wake-up call to the fact that the Labour party may no longer be loyal to them and their concerns.

Needless to say… another red flag. The “gaffe” is widely considered to be a factor in Gordon Brown’s defeat in the 2010 election and as we’ll see as we go on, Labour didn’t learn it’s lesson.

2014: Labour MP Emily Thornberry puts out a tweet containing a photo of a house in Rochdale with English flags flying outside and a white van during a by-election in Rochester accompanied with the text “image from #Rochester.” This is widely taken as a derogatory and mocking tweet about working class people who are proud to be English. Accusations of snobbery lead to Thornberry’s dismissal from the front bench while for those being mocked it is another sign that all is not right with the Labour party’s “champions of the working class” image. UKIP leader Nigel Farage sums up how many viewed the tweet by statingthe Labour Party hate the concept of Englishness, they have done for a very long time.” He went on to say:

New Labour can’t even stand the concept of patriotism. They think the flag somehow is unpleasant, backward-looking and nasty. People like Emily Thornberry would rather we had that blue flag with 12 stars on it that comes to us from Brussels.”

This incident becomes yet another red flag. In the video below, Labour Leader Ed Miliband attempts to do some damage control. No one is buying it. People instinctively know that Thornberry isn’t just one “bad apple” and that her distain for white working class people is rapidly becoming the norm within the party.

2015: The Conservatives win a General Election with a manifesto promising an in/out referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU. Nigel Farage’s UKIP rises to become the third largest party in terms of vote share showing a clear trend towards Euroscepticism and a sign that many traditional Labour voters are losing trust in the party and are, at the very least, willing to engage in a protest vote in order to express their displeasure.

Labour doesn’t listen.

2016: People get a chance to have their say on membership of the European Union in a binary choice Remain or Leave referendum. The British people vote to leave. Whilst the sovereignty issue played a role, it’s clear that immigration was the key issue in the traditional Labour heartlands. The people of the UK finally get to engage in a democratic process in which every vote counts and many of those in Labour areas vote to leave. The overall result is a victory for the Leave side, a result which Leave voters expect to be honoured and carried out by their elected representatives.

Again, Labour doesn’t listen.

In the aftermath of the referendum those traditionally Labour voting Leavers can only watch as Remain MP’s from all parties – including many of their own Labour Party MPs – do everything they can to frustrate, draw out, and even reverse the process of leaving the European Union. This largely involved Remain MPs (along with Remain supporting media) trying to redefine the word Brexit in order to present the false notion that people were unaware of what they were voting for. This was largely done by avoiding the word ‘independence’ (i.e. what people were voting for) and instead focusing on the many possible ways to interpret the word Brexit. In other words… muddying the waters. For obvious reasons Leave voters felt their intelligence was being insulted and their concerns ignored.

2017: Another general election and Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party fails to win despite Conservative leader Theresa May running a spectacularly weak election campaign which included alienating the elderly with a manifesto pledge that they would have to pay for their own social care using the value of their homes. Even with this and other fails by May, such as refusing to engage in debates, Labour still weren’t able to win.

2019 a: The Brexit Party romps to victory in the European elections. Labour and Conservatives suffer huge losses. Brexit party leader Nigel Farage tells the BBC:

With a big, simple message – which is we’ve been badly let down by two parties who have broken their promises – we have topped the poll in a fairly dramatic style.

Still Labour doesn’t listen.

2019 b: New conservative leader Boris Johnson negotiates a withdrawal deal with the EU and after struggling to get it through parliament calls a general election and runs on a platform of getting Brexit done and implementing his new deal. Jeremy Corbyn attempts to make the election about anything but Brexit by focusing on Tory austerity (sounding like a broken record in the process) and then attempts to buy as many votes as he can by engaging in the politics of envy and deploying the Robin Hood strategy of pledging to give everyone lots of free shit pilfered from the rich. His promise to create a utopia for everyone (apart from the rich, of course) comes accross as unrealistic and little more than electioneering, and no one buys it. Unfortunately for Corbyn the one pledge he couldn’t bring himself to make was to honour the result of the 2016 referendum, get the UK out of the EU and immediately put a stop to free movement and mass immigration. This is what the white working class Labour support base wanted to hear and he couldn’t give it to them. He seemed prepared to offer just about anything else, but not that. Instead he adopts a neutral position and puts forth a plan to negotiate his own deal with the EU and then have another referendum between his deal and Remain (with the ‘no deal’ option being off the table) in which he wouldn’t even argue for his own deal. Almost all of his Labour colleagues make no secret of the fact they would argue for Remain.

So, this is the series of events which has ultimately killed Labour in this general election. It was always a Brexit election no matter how much Corbyn and Labour tried to make it not so. But ultimately the Brexit issue is an outgrowth of the immigration issue which, no matter how much some may want to avoid it, is the big issue of our time, more so than Tory austerity. Labour’s refusal to grasp this simple fact, and ignoring the concerns of their traditional support base for so long, has finally done them in. Not only has Labour refused to listen to their white working class support base over many years and successive leaders but has, in general, demonised such people as racists and xenophobes. They have also patronised Leave voters by treating them as if they are not sufficiently educated or progressive enough to understand the lofty ideals of the metropolitan Liberal intelligentsia. I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for Labour to acknowledge the reality of just how unpopular their cultural Marxism is with their traditional support base. In all likelihood they will just double down on their pro-immigration and pro-diversity spiel . They will blame “right-wing media,” “Tory lies,” “racism,” the “far-right” etc for their current woes. They will point the finger at anyone or anything but themselves and their refusal to sufficiently address the immigration issue. I wouldn’t be surprised if they even tried to blame the Russians for their defeat at some point. At best they might blame Corbyn now that he’s on the way out but that’s as close as they will come to considering their own people as the source of their failure. The reality is that it’s the cultural Marxist direction of the party which has angered white working class voters. They are increasingly beginning to understand that it is an authoritarian ideology which simply tosses aside their views and concerns in pursuit of some mythical utopia built around empty buzzwords like “diversity,” “progress,” and “cultural enrichment.” Whilst watching a SKY News on-the-ground report from an old Labour mining town the day after the election, I saw one voter interviewed who, when asked about why his constituency had unanimously rejected Labour, responded by stating: “they didn’t listen to us so we’ve punched them in the face.” That just about sums it up. I would say to that voter that it’s about time too, Labour deserve it. Clearly spoiled ballot papers or protest votes for minor parties are no longer enough for many people and they feel it’s time to take the gloves off, even if it means doing what they never thought they would ever do and vote for the Conservatives.

But like I say, even after that “punch in the face” Labour still won’t listen because they are ideologues devoted to the elimination of the white working class in favour of replacing them with the melting pot. The big lie that Labour will try and sell will be that the voters who have turned away from them were somehow “tricked” or manipulated by Boris Johnson and the Tory spin machine in to believing lies when, in reality, these people in all likelihood don’t trust the Tories or Boris Johnson at all. What’s happened will not be an endorsement of Boris Johnson by these voters but an act of frustration. It is the result of a mass realisation within their demographic of the fact that Labour is no longer the party that looks out for them but is, in fact, actually against them. They are now fighting back and punishing Labour for what they see as a massive and ongoing betrayal.

Whilst there are those – particularly Labour supporters and pompous media talking heads – who would have us believe that the reasons for Labour’s abject failure in this election are more complex than what I have laid out here I would say that such people are talking out of their backsides. They are either in denial or being deliberately deceptive. There is no need for a “period of reflection” to get to the bottom of where Labour went wrong. Any political analysis which avoids and seeks to distract from the obvious issues around mass-migration and the failure of multiculturalism is just typical of the lack of realism we have now within political discussion and analysis. The white working class voters who turned away from Labour are not particularly complex people. That’s not an insult and I’m not saying they are stupid, far from it, but the thinking that lies behind their decision to punish Labour isn’t complex. They are normal people who just want to have a decent quality of life and safe happy communities. From their perspective they have seen no tangible benefits to themselves from the multicultural agenda. Many no longer recognise the communities they grew up in. Many no longer feel safe. The increased competition for jobs, school places, access to social housing and public services has made their lives harder not better and the shrill claims from those who simply want to blame “lack of government investment” rings hollow when what they see in their day to day lives is essentially a case of overcrowding and a complete change in the feel and atmosphere in the areas where they live, none of which they asked for and which the European Union, with it’s policy of free movement, severely contributes to. Meanwhile they have been expected to just be quiet, go along with everything and put up with being branded racist and xenophobic if they complain. For too long this situation has been ignored by almost the entire political class from all the major UK parties. In 2016 they got to have their say on the free movement issue and they voted in favour of leaving the European Union… and they won! Their concerns should have been taken on board and their decision speedily implemented but the political class knew best and thought that if they could just kick the can down the road for long enough they could eventually get some sort of reversal of the result. Many of the worst offenders in this affront to democracy were Labour MPs and activists. Whether the Tories will actually give their new constituents the kind of change they hope for is a different subject entirely and not the primary focus of this post, but they were desperate to be heard and that fact that they have turned to a party that they have traditionally despised says it all about how they now view the Labour party.

In the clip below, the now former Labour MP, Caroline Flint, explains that Labour’s position on Brexit was a major factor in why she has now lost her seat in Parliament and why the party has lost so many long held Labour constituencies to the Tories. She makes the correct assertion that anyone who says differently, or tries to blame it solely on Corbyn, is in denial. While she won’t go the whole hog and point out that the Brexit issue and the immigration issue are two sides of the same coin, this is probably the most honest analysis you’re likely to find from someone in the Labour camp about what went wrong for them in this election. Clearly she is angry and is willing to call it as she sees it now that she’s out of a job:

So what next for Labour? Expect to see them turn their attention away from trying to win over the white working classes in the coming years and instead attempt to mobilise the youth against their former support base. In true leftist style they will double down on the accusations of racism against those who oppose large scale immigration. Those voters who have dared to give them a bloody nose in this election will now be branded “right-wing” or more likely “far-right” and they will become the target of a revenge fantasy in which Labour will attempt to turn their own children against them. The cultural Marxist indoctrination centres (i.e. schools and universities) will become their greatest allies and key recruiting grounds in this endeavour. They will also tap the climate activism movement which is already having success in the radicalisation of the young towards communistic ideals and generating within them an antagonism towards their elders. Labour will now bide their time until they feel they have a sufficiently large enough army of naïve young cultural revolutionaries to stage a comeback.

For those who believed in the Corbyn-led Labour Party during this latest election I recommend watching this clip of Corbyn’s number two, John Mcdonnell, giving a post election speech once it was clear his party had lost spectacularly. Towards the end of the clip the mask slips and the true authoritarian nature of the man is plain for all to see. After declaring that the fight continues and stating his intention to organise and regroup he finds himself being heckled by those in attendance and a scuffle breaks out in the crowd, presumably between his supporters and critics. In true far-left style he goes on to fearmonger about the rise of the “extreme-right,” implying that they are responsible for the scuffle without any actual investigation as to who started what. He then goes on to proclaim once again his intention to organise and that the extreme right will not be tolerated in our society. This is the nature of the Bolshevik revolutionary. Anyone opposed to them is “extreme-right” or “far-right” and is to be treated as the enemy of “democracy.” Commies like McDonnell crave power in order to purge all opposition and they couch their satanic evil in rhetoric about “democracy” and eliminating “extremism” when it is they who are the extremists. This man is an enemy of freedom plain and simple. I’ve mentioned McDonnell before during the early days of this blog in my post John Mcdonnell: a dangerous man in which I point out that he is a provocateur who seeks to incite leftist mobs into taking “direct action” against those he disagrees with politically. Watch the clip below and then try and tell me that his statements towards the end aren’t those of an authoritarian Bolshevik lunatic who seeks to shut down all dissent against his own vision of how things should be. McDonnell is the face of evil and an admitted Marxist. He doesn’t belong anywhere near the reigns of power.

To finish up, below is an episode of The Spiked Podcast which gives a good summing up of how Labour found itself hemoraging votes in this election. Like me the presenters view it as at least a decade long process of contempt for the working classes going back to Gordon Brown’s “bigoted woman” comments and building from there to the enevitable revolt we’ve now seen against the party. Ultimately Labour has no one to blame but themselves for what’s happened.

Red Ice TV: Mark Collett calls out Tommy Robinson and his crew as Israel-first shills

In an interview from a couple of weeks ago which I’ve only just got around to watching, right-wing nationalist, YouTuber, podcast host, and author of the book The Fall of Western Man, Mark Collett, spoke with Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice TV on the topic of Tommy Robinson and those who surround him (such as Jewish Zionist Avi Yemini)

I’ve covered Robinson and his role as a Zionist propagandist before in the posts linked below. I won’t repeat myself other than to summarise the basics which is that Robinson, as well as the broader alt-lite arm of alternative media, essentially operates as a controlled opposition to globalism who’s primary function is to steer dissent against Islamic immigration into the West down a pro-Zionist path, focusing solely on Islam whilst playing down and ignoring the Jewish/Zionist role in promoting globalism, mass migration, and the Middle-East wars that create the refugee flows in the first place. For more detail on all this see my previous posts:

The Tommy Robinson saga, the Alt-lite gatekeepers, and the Jewish Question

Tommy Robinson, the Alt-lite, Cambridge Analytica, Staged Terror & the Clash of Civilizations

Tommy Robinson’s hard-on for Israel and what that country is really all about

Collett is well aware of the Jewish role in the mass-migration agenda but over the years, from what I’ve seen and heard of his work, has been reluctant to criticize Robinson and call out his shilling for Zionism and Jewish power. I put this down to the fact that Collett’s views on Islamic immigration are largely in-line with those expressed by Robinson and that he was willing to give him a free pass on the Zionism issue due to the amount of attention he was garnering to the anti-Islam cause. Of course, as it has become ever more clear who Robinson ultimately serves, Collett has recently begun critiquing Robinson more and more. He was always going to have to deal with the issue eventually as his own views on the forces behind globalism were inevitably going to lead him into conflict with the Robinson gang and the rest of the kosher nationalist alt-lite clique who seek to shield those forces from scrutiny. It seems this situation came to a head with Robinson’s crew taking a swipe at Collett in a recent video, causing him, it would seem, to take the gloves off somewhat. Brandon Martinez of alt-right.com summarises the situation in his piece Zio-Shill Tommy Robinson YouTube Channel Attacks Mark Collett, stating:

The video essentially tries to prove that Collett is a “Nazi” and shames two former Robinson supporters who became red-pilled on the JQ and were subsequently exiled by the Tommy crowd for asking too many questions about the “chosen people”.

Shazia Hobbs, mentioned in the video, was an avid Robinson supporter until she got woke on Jews, for which she was permanently banned from the Robinson news website.

The real right has been calling out the Robinson sham for a long time. It’s surprising how long it’s taken some of these people to realize that he’s a bought and paid for Jewish operative. His mission is to keep you focused exclusively on Islam, while the Jews ransack our civilization from behind the curtain.

Below is Collett’s Red Ice TV interview where he discusses the situation. Anyone interested in the topic of Robinson, the alt-lite, and the subversive nature of Israel and Zionism might find it interesting (mp3 available here and Bitchute link here):

Show description: Mark Collett joins Henrik to talk about the poorly made video Tommy Robinson’s news crew made attacking him. Tommy Robinson is currently in jail and so it remains unclear if he approved the video or not. We discuss some of the issues with the people surrounding Tommy, their uncritical support for Zionism and hypocritical stance on Israel.

Below are Collett’s videos The Jewish Role In The Refugee Crisis and Wars For Israel Drive Mass Migration (accompanied with Bitchute links in case of future YouTube censorship):

The Jewish Role In The Refugee Crisis (Bitchute link):

Wars For Israel Drive Mass Migration (Bitchute link):

Also see my related post: Adam Green & Mark Collett discuss Jewish & Zionist power

A brief comment on the El Paso, Texas shootings

Over the weekend there was another “white supremacist” mass shooting in El Paso, Texas. Unsurprisingly it came complete with the standard manifesto neatly laying out the shooter’s anti-immigration motivations.

I wrote the following after the Christchurch shooting back in March:

Although we’ve seen supposed Right-wing terror attacks in recent years (such as Breivik and Bowers) this latest event feels like some sort of official launch of the next phase of the post 9/11 war on terror paradigm. We’ve reached the Right-wing retaliation phase which – as I mentioned before – is meant to lead to the chaos which the powers-that-be then use as the excuse to impose order (their order, of course).

That is essentially the lens through which I view these type of events. While both the left and right try and make this latest mass shooting into a gun control issue it is my contention that this is only a secondary issue, with the primary one being social engineering by what I generally refer to on this site as the masonic/banker elite.

I’m not really interested in getting bogged down in the details of this latest event in El Paso but I will briefly summarise in the next few paragraphs this site’s position on how we got from the 9/11 attacks to where we are today and you can decide for yourself if you think the narrative holds water and if there could be more to this latest shooting than we’re being told. So here goes:

There exists in the world a well established and entrenched criminal cartel made up of Zionist bankers and their freemasonic lackeys. The long term goal of this cabal is to dissolve nations and set up a form of global government based on a technocratic model  with Jerusalem as the world capital. Utilising their control over intelligence agencies such as Mossad and the CIA, as well as the Zionist neocon political faction in the US, this cabal engineered the attacks of 9/11 to put America onto a war footing. They have since been engaged in engineering wars and destabilisation operations in the Middle-East designed to weaken Israel’s regional rivals. The cabal’s intention has been to dump the refugees created by these conflicts along with economic migrants from undeveloped countries onto the first world regions of the West as part of their globalist scheme.

Via their control over mainstream media, academia, and the UN the cabal has also been pushing hard on the issue of supposed “human-caused climate change” which is currently being ramped up more and more and is being used as a psychological weapon with the end goal of pushing their globalist plan in the form of the UN’s 2030 Agenda. This agenda for “transforming our world” in the name of “sustainable development” presents itself as a utopia but is ultimately a power and resource grab by the cabal which will turn out to be a technocratic dystopia. As I’ve pointed out before, both migration and climate change form part of this dastardly program.

Allowing refugees and migrants access to Western lands is NOT being done out of concern for their welfare but as part of a cold, calculated plan to alter Western demographics in a bid to undermine national cohesion and character, therefore advancing the cabal’s New World Order agenda. Migration has been weaponised and most white Westerners are expected to be cucked, shamed and guilt tripped into accepting the situation. Of course, it’s unrealistic to expect that all whites will tolerate this and therefore certain events need to play out in order for a more authoritarian approach to be taken.

From the cabal’s point of view anyone opposing or calling into question any elements of their agenda needs to be demonised. Hence, in the case of mass-migration there is a need to have “white supremacist” terror events to demonise anti-immigration sentiment, brand it as extremism, link it to violence, and eventually censor it into oblivion. A certain amount of anti-immigrant material has been allowed to flourish on social media in recent years as well as the emergence of a general culture war as a means of fracturing society and radicalising people on all sides. The resulting chaos and antagonism can then be used as the excuse for increased censorship online and more broadly throughout society. Having kick-started a fear of Islam with 9/11 and other false-flag terror events, followed by the importation of large numbers of Muslims into the West and turning a blind eye to (and even encouraging) Islamic radicalisation, the cabal has been counting on a right-wing/nationalist backlash which can then be steered towards violence and used to demonise all nationalist opposition to globalism. And not being ones to just sit around and wait for things to happen, the cabal has no qualms about engineering the required violent events in order to get the ball rolling and the desired narrative created. It’s not hard for an intelligence agency to create a mass shooter or terrorist. Just find a moron who has a beef over a particular issue, have someone egg them on, ensure they have access to whatever equipment they need and make sure they stay out of jail long enough to execute their plans. The FBI has routinely engaged in entrapment operations that work along similar lines.

It is within the context laid out above that this site views events such as Christchurch and El Paso. Essentially we are seeing the clash of civilisations playing out. It is an order out of chaos strategy where conflict between groups serves as the excuse to clamp down on “extremism,” with extremism being any view or idea that the cabal finds troublesome for their long term goals. Forms of extremism which suit the globalist agenda are treated differently or even ignored such as radical leftist extremism, the main aims of which are to champion migrants, push the man-made climate change narrative, and destroy nationalism, therefore playing into the cabal’s hands. Although sometimes made fun of, extreme leftists are generally protected from serious criticism unless they go off-script by criticising Israel or calling out Jewish/Zionist power and influence. Then it can be open season on them too.

So to sum up: whether the El Paso shooter was encouraged by deep state operatives in service to the cabal or whether he is just a copycat emulating previous mass-shooters is irrelevant. Ultimately he is the product of the social engineering taking place at a very high level. In an age where social media algorithms are sophisticated enough to identify unstable individuals and target them in ways designed to make them angry a direct hands on approach may no longer even be neccessary to push someone over the edge. Ultimately there’s nothing random about events like Christchurch or El Paso. These things are happening because powerful forces want them to happen. Expect these violent “white supremacist” events to continue and expect social media to be central to all of them in some way or another. Also, expect to see an increased demonisation of conspiracy theories as the cabal attempts to brand anyone opposed to their plans as dangerous wrong-thinkers in need of mental health intervention.

Below are my related posts on the topic of right-wing terror:

UK police and media hype fears of Right-wing extremism

The Christchuch shooting and the growing far-Right terror narrative

Addendum: It’s also worth pointing out that the day after the El Paso shootings there was another mass-shooting event in Dayton, Ohio carried out by an individual that the Washington Times reports to be a leftist. This radical leftist violence has garnered much less media outrage which is not surprising given that leftists are much more open to globalist ideas and therefore make useful foot-soldiers for the cabal at this time. No doubt this double standard will be enough to make another right-wing nationalist angry and potentially act out negatively, as desired by the social engineers.

Recommended Articles:

Mass Shooting Marathon: Red Flags and Anomalies Galore in Gilroy, El Paso and Dayton


Jewish Female Wants You to Believe that White Replacement is Just a “Conspiracy Theory”

Adam Green & Mark Collett discuss Jewish & Zionist power

In this video Adam Green of Know More News chats with right-wing political activist, author and podcaster, Mark Collett, about many issues I’ve covered here on this site. They discuss Zionist power and influence, the Jewish role in pushing multiculturalism & mass-migration and the silence on the issue from the likes of Tommy Robinson and the alt-lite. They also touch on Christian Zionism, cultural Marxism, Infowars disinfo and more.

Note: In the event of YouTube censorship the video can also be viewed on Bitchute here.

Below you will find the main posts from this site that go into the issues of Zionism, Judaism and Israel:

Tommy Robinson’s hard-on for Israel and what that country is really all about

Notre Dame fire: the alt-right reaction and who the real enemy is

Red Ice Radio: Adam Green on the censorship of free speech regarding Israel

Resolving Reality Radio: Henry Makow on Satanism & The New World Order

Know More News: Birth Pangs of the Jewish Messiah

Richie Allen Show: Lana Lokteff on globalism and white genocide

Richie Allen of The Richie Allen Show recently brought Lana Lokteff of Red Ice TV on to his show to thrash out some differences between his own take on the globalist agenda and that of alt-right white identitarians. Allen describes himself as a ‘real’ or ‘old school’ socialist – as opposed to the modern day cultural Marxists, SJWs, NPCs and progressives – whilst Lokteff and Red Ice TV are more of the alt-right persuasion. The discussion covers several topics but largely centers on the issue of whether or not white people are being specifically targeted by the globalist agenda. Lokteff believes this is the case whilst Allen believes that everyone is under attack by the elites – not just whites – and that identity politics of all kinds is being cultivated within society as part of a divide and rule strategy. He feels that those who believe whites are being singled out have essentially taken the bait and are helping to fuel the divide.

For anyone who might be interested in my two cents, I actually believe them both to be correct. The globalist agenda has many goals and different strategies to accomplish them. One goal is the controlled society. To achieve this, the elite need the societal division that Allen talks about. Tension between groups allows the notion of “extremism” to be used as the excuse for censorship and control.

Another goal of the elite is the altering of demographics within nations through migration and free movement as part of a process of breaking down national character. The idea is to advance a global culture and, in the long term, engineer a slave class which will be distinct from the elites themselves (see the Kalergi Plan, something I’ve covered here). Whilst the oligarchs at the very top (i.e. high-level masonic families and Jewish banking dynasties) will be white-skinned and will no doubt intermarry and interbreed within their own class, the serfs they rule over are to be something different. In my opinion the elite care little for average white “plebs” and likely do have them earmarked for replacement as they gradually engineer the populations of white Western countries towards something similar to what the Freemason and so-called “Godfather of the EU,” Richard Coudenhove Kalergi , referred to as “the Eurasian-Negroid race of the future.

A key element in all of this is the creed of cultural Marxism which works through the major societal institutions and corporations to keep the majority on the globalism path, promoting “tolerance” and multi-racialism. It is also used to generate the required outrage against those who reject it. Those heretics are then branded as wrong-thinkers and extremists and can then be used to advance the control agenda, especially if their frustration and anger can be directed away from the elites and onto other groups. Throw in some manufactured false-flag terrorism of both the “Islamic” and “far-right” variety and you can ramp-up the tension and generate the required fear and hysteria necessary for the normies out there to go along with the building of the surveillance grid. Make other aspects of the surveillance society seem cool, trendy and convenient – such as smartphones, smart meters, cashless society, internet of things etc – and you have the perfect recipe for Big Brother.

Ultimately, I don’t see the views of Allen or Lockteff as mutually exclusive. I feel they are both focusing on different aspects of an elite globalist agenda which is running several social engineering gambits at once which are designed to work in tandem with each other to achieve certain ends. For me, it’s not a question of “are whites under attack or are we all being divided and ruled?” It appears to be a mix of both. The question is how do we react to it so as not to hand the globalist elites the victory. On that front I don’t really know what the solution is, other than to keep trying to expose the manipulators.

Find the discussion below (for an mp3 go here and skip to 51 mins):

Show description: Lana Lokteff is the host of Radio 3Fourteen and contributes political/social commentary in the form of articles and videos. Additionally, she offers her view on current news & entertainment in Red Ice TV’s livestream show on Saturdays. She discusses identity politics, nationalism, free speech and more in a lively and engaging chat with Richie.

Lana Lokteff  – Why They Want To Replace White People:


Powers & Principalities: Cultural Capitalism

In the latest episode of the Powers & Principalities podcast Tim Kelly and Joe Atwill discuss how the creed of cultural marxism is heavily promoted in the West by the capitalist/corporate world (mp3 available here):

Related posts below:

Powers & Principalities: Globohomo 

Mark Collett: Liberal propaganda in Christmas adverts

Also, see the Return Of Kings article The Main Purpose Of Large Corporations Is To Serve As The Spearhead Of Marxism

The Christchuch shooting and the growing far-Right terror narrative

We’ve recently seen a far-Right terror attack in the city of Christchurch, New Zealand. The BBC summarizes:

Forty-nine people have been killed and 48 wounded in shootings at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, in the nation’s deadliest attack. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern described it as a terrorist attack and one of New Zealand’s “darkest days”. A gunman identifying himself as an Australian live-streamed the rampage at Al Noor mosque to Facebook. He had espoused racist, anti-immigrant views. Police say a man in his late 20s has been arrested and charged with murder. Two other men and one woman were also detained.

The report goes on to state that the arrested man, an Australian by the name of Brenton Tarrant, published a manifesto online:

The suspect who was charged appeared to have published a document online outlining his intentions as well as details about the plan for the attack. He is due in court on Saturday.

I’ve actually been expecting something like this for a while now. Last year we had the Synagogue shooting in which Robert Bowers targeted Jews citing as his motive the Jewish role in promoting mass-immigration (a notion not without supporting evidence, see here and here), in particular the organisation HIAS (the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society). It was really only a matter of time before we saw a similar attack on a mosque.

The far-right terror narrative has been gradually building for some time now. This latest attacker will no-doubt be compared to Norway bomber/shooter Anders Breivik who also posted a nationalist, anti-immigration, anti-Islam “manifesto”. In a previous post titled UK police and media hype fears of Right-wing extremism, I wrote about how the UK media was hyping the notion of Right-wing attacks in the UK with Brexit as the backdrop. In that post I covered how the Norway/Breivik event coincided – like so many other terror events – with a security drill which almost perfectly mirrored the attack that actually took place (Breivik also likely did not act alone). Another far-Right mass shooting that coincided with a drill (as well as involving other suspicious elements) was the Charleston church shooting in 2015 which we’re told was carried out by Right-wing extremist Dylan Roof. For me, the presence of such drills is a sign that we’re probably looking at made-to-order terror events cooked up within the bowels of deep-state networks with an agenda. My point in that post was that it’s not just Islamic terror events – such as 9/11, 7/7 and the Boston Bombings – which are staged, but also Right-wing terrorism too. Lets not forget the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995 which was also an extremely suspicious “Right-wing” terror spectacle (see here)

Right-wing terror events certainly aid the agenda of the globalist elites who, I believe, are executing a strategy of tension pitting Right against Left as well as the Right against Islam in order to beef up the security state across the Western world, as well as censor anti-globalist activism online. The target of this psyop is the normal everyday man and woman in the street, most of which don’t subscribe to any kind of extreme ideology. The idea is to make them believe that they are caught in the middle between extremists of all kinds, making them more open to tighter control measures within society. It is interesting to note that the Christchurch assailant apparently live streamed his massacre over the internet. This aspect of the narrative seems tailor made to play into the increasing internet censorship agenda we’ve seen over the past year or two. Right-wing terror also helps to demonize the concept of nationalism which – as I pointed out in that earlier post – is the opposite of globalism. Those opposing the globalist New World Order program can look forward to being branded extremist as the agenda moves forward, and events such as this latest shooting will be cited as examples of why those who prefer nationalism over globalism are dangerous and hateful.

In his article ‘Clash of Civilizations’ Arrives in New Zealand: 49 Massacred by Multiple Gunmen During Multi-Site Terror Attack in Christchurch: Nial Bradley of sott.net writes (in reference to Brenton Tarrant’s manifesto):

Almost every ‘political wish’ in this ‘manifesto’ echoes important topics being discussed in independent media and by populist movements and candidates. While there is some likeness between its content and what critics of mass migration into Europe are pointing out, it is largely a pat repetition of the ugly caricatures mainstream media talking-heads claim that grounded, sensible conservative-minded people actually advocate. In that sense, the document is a perfect set-up to provide fodder for leftists to continue to ‘self-radicalize’ and further denounce ‘the right’, for ‘the right’ to double-down on their siege mentality, and for the media to inflame tensions between the two, and within Western society at large.

My suspicion is that this latest massacre is probably yet another event cooked up by deep state actors loyal to the elite’s authoritarian globalist agenda. My prediction is that this is only the beginning of a scripted “far-Right” terror narrative which is set to continue. I suspect attacks against mosques and immigrant communities will probably graduate on to attacks on government targets with the perps referencing their “traitorous leaders” in future “manifestos.” Of course, it will be those very leaders who capitalise on all of this in order to ramp-up the surveillance grid and censorship even further. People should be asking who benefits from this type of thing?

Nail Bradley also brings up the possibility that we’re probably looking at the start of a cycle of violence now that far-Right extremism is well and truly in play:

New Zealand/Australia have now had their ‘major white ethno-nationalist’ terror attack. It may take a year or two, but we could reasonably foresee a possible ‘Islamic terror’ follow-up in which Muslims are implicated in a ‘corresponding’ massacre of whites. “ISIS” (i.e. Saudi Arabia, Israel and the USA) has, supposedly, called for revenge. The point of it all is apparently to provoke and reinforce the polarization of society – not just between Muslims (who make up barely 1% of New Zealand’s population of 4 million) and non-Muslims, but to more broadly affect everyone via a ‘strategy of tension.’

Although we’ve seen supposed Right-wing terror attacks in recent years (such as Breivik and Bowers) this latest event feels like some sort of official launch of the next phase of the post 9/11 war on terror paradigm. We’ve reached the Right-wing retaliation phase which – as I mentioned before – is meant to lead to the chaos which the powers-that-be then use as the excuse to impose order (their order, of course).

In an apalling piece of anti-white race baiting clearly designed to engender the very Islamic and Leftist backlash (and polarization of society) that Nial Bradley talks about, one Professor Mohammed Elmasry of the university of Doha stokes the fear of the evil “white-supremacy” in our midst writing in his Al Jazeera article New Zealand mosque attacks and the scourge of white supremacy:

Today’s New Zealand mosque shootings, which killed at least 49 people and were allegedly carried out by white supremacists, are only the latest on a long list of recent acts of white supremacist terrorism. Despite the growing and constant threat, Western governments have failed to adequately address the danger of white supremacy.

An abbreviated list of recent acts of white supremacist terrorism includes Robert Gregory Bowers’ killing of 12 Jewish worshippers at a Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 2018; Alexandre Bissonnette’s massacre of six Muslims in the Quebec City mosque in 2017; Dylann Roof’s murdering of nine black Christian parishioners in a Charleston, South Carolina church in 2015; and Anders Behring Breivik’s slaughter of 77 people in Norway in 2011.

Note: I’ve already pointed out that two of those events coincided with drills and are suspicious as hell.

In a paragraph which appears to be the mirror image of so many articles we’ve seen over the years on the subject of Islamic terror, Elmasry writes:

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, numerous other white supremacist plots, including some that planned to kill as many as 30,000 people, have been foiled by law enforcement in the United States. Just last month, the American FBI arrested Christopher Paul Hasson, a white supremacist and lieutenant in the US coastguard, for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks against black and liberal politicians and media personalities.

I’ve noted before how many so-called “foiled plots” involving Muslims have turned out to be more like entrapment operations using FBI “informants” as provocateurs. Many of the plots would not even have existed had it not been for the FBI. As Thomas Fuentes – a former FBI Assistant Director – once put it, the idea is to “keep fear alive.” In the case of the Newburgh Four, the “terrorists” were offered a quarter of a million dollars. Elton Simpson, one of the Garland, Texas shooters who attacked the “draw Mohammed” cartoon contest of 2015 was egged on by an FBI operative who had sent him a text message telling him to “tear up Texas.” The FBI is similarly known for infiltrating so-called Right-wing “patriot” circles. Cultivating a far-Right extremist threat could easily be done in much the same way as we’ve seen with Muslims and probably has been (and it won’t just be the FBI that engages in this type of behaviour). But don’t expect the likes of Elmasry to mention this possibility. Also, his main source for much of his article, the Southern Poverty Law Center, is an anti-white organisation, a former Senior Fellow of which, Mark Potok, was recently found to have a piece of paper on his office wall which was tracking the decline of America’s white population, as if the decline of whites in the US was of keen interest to him.

Elmasry’s article goes on to provide a laundry list of historical “white crimes” clearly designed to stir up anti-white sentiment as none of it is relevant to the Christchurch massacre and is just pure race baiting designed to appeal to his fellow Muslims and far-Left Antifa types:

All of this is to say nothing of less recent white supremacist history, including anti-black violence perpetrated by US’s Ku Klux Klan (KKK), thousands of 19th and 20th century lynchings of black Americans by white supremacist mobs, millions of black people murdered during the African slave trade, or millions of brown people killed during the peak periods of Western colonialism. Scholars and analysts have cogently and repeatedly argued that both the African slave trade and Western colonialism were carried out largely in the service of white supremacy.

What does colonialism or slavery have to do with any of this? Pure agitation from Elmasry there. His piece is just so awful and propagandistic that I wish I had the time to go through it point by point but I don’t. But it’s no wonder Al Jazeera puts a disclaimer at the bottom saying that “The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect Al Jazeera’s editorial stance.

One thing I do want to briefly touch on is this term “white supremacy” (a phrase that characters like Elmasry seem to like to throw around). It’s a term we’re going to hear more and more of as the far-Right terror narrative advances. Although I don’t deny there is such a thing as white supremacists (i.e. neo-Nazis, KKK etc) the term, in a modern context, is often used in place of “white nationalist.” More often than not those who attack white nationalists rarely offer up any proof of a supremacist mind-set or motivation. White supremacy becomes a buzzword used to dismiss, marginalise, and smear those in the West who simply oppose large scale demographic change in their countries. I oppose mass-migration myself because I can see how it has been weaponised by the elites as part of their globalist project. Does that make me a supremacist? I’d like to see someone prove so. In my opposition to mass-migration, never have I made any claims of racial superiority. Is a Japanese person who wants Japan to remain homogenous in order to preserve it’s traditions, culture and character a “Japanese supremacist”? No, not based on just that alone, you’d need more than that. But they could be considered a Japanese nationalist, and what’s wrong with that? So why should white people be held to a different standard in their countries? Philosophically speaking there is no argument against white nationalism when other racial groups are allowed to have their own territories without receiving condemnation for it. I’ve never come across a convincing argument as to why it’s inherently wrong for white people to want their countries to remain as they have always been. All I’ve ever heard is buzzwords such as “hate,” “xenophobia” and “supremacy.” The majority of those who get accused of white supremacy are simply white people who don’t want their countries and neighbourhoods to be demographically altered by the large scale importation of other groups. There’s nothing supremacist about it. Those using the term “white supremacist” should be able to back up the supremacist part when using it and only use it when it actually applies.

[Addendum: due to writing up this post in a bit of a hurry I just want to add in some clarification. With the above paragraph I’m not advocating for white nationalism. I’m certainly not saying that I only ever want to see white faces whenever I walk down the street. I’m saying that as long as white nationalists don’t espouse “master race” philosophies or call for apocalyptic race war then I don’t feel their opposition to mass-migration is an invalid point of view, or that it makes them evil and wrong. I believe it’s an exaggeration to brand such people as “white supremacists,” a term which implies a belief in racial superiority. In some cases the term will apply, in other cases it won’t, but on the whole I feel it’s tossed around too casually and used to side-line perfectly valid opinions. My own position is that I simply want to see the elite and their globalist project exposed and stopped. Race isn’t a concern for me but the movement of people (of all races) as a method of undermining national cohesion and advancing globalism definitely is a concern.]

One thing I’ve noticed about the targets of the Right-wing attacks we’ve seen in recent years is that the boxes seem to be getting checked off one by one. We’ve had Breivik killing Leftists, Roof killing Black people, Bowers killing Jews, and now Tarrant killing Muslims. This comes across a bit contrived when the events are looked at all together rather than in isolation. Another reason why I feel we should be suspicious of the Christchurch and other “far-Right” terror events is the self-defeating nature of them. Anyone with even a quarter of a brain can see that such actions only harm nationalists and work against their cause. As one self-avowed White nationalist, Brandon Martinez of alt-right.com, pointed out after the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting last year:

We do not endorse violence of this kind and disavow this particular act. Lone wolf violence of this kind only serves to hand our enemies more ammunition to marginalize our ideas and ultimately censor us by linking our ideas to violence. This dirty tactic is, of course, never wielded by the establishment to discredit left-wing ideology even though Antifa Marxists form a violent terrorist organization who attack, harm and injure hundreds of people (especially right-wingers and nationalists) every year. Last year a left-wing nut shot up a Republican baseball game, but that was quickly forgotten.

He goes on to write:

With that said, it must be observed that the current hostility and discrimination that whites face on a daily basis in the West, with anti-white Marxists dominating the media, universities and most of our governments, will indeed cause some whites to act violently as they feel under threat. The globalist elites are themselves responsible for this, as they’re purposefully creating a civil war scenario as they move in to extinguish the white race, using immigrants and violent leftists as their foot soldiers to intimidate and suppress the inevitable nationalist revolt.

Note: Martinez’s remark about extinguishing the white race is a reference to the Kalergi Plan, something he’s written about here and which I cover in this post.

While it’s my strong suspicion that much of the terrorism on all sides is manufactured in some way, shape or form, the narratives created by the staged terror do suck people in and are designed to do so. This, I’m sure does lead to genuine violence but not before the-powers-that-be have gotten the ball rolling with some bogus events for others to then emulate. I feel that this is where we’re at with the Right-wing terror situation. Once the stage has been set, those caught up in the emotion and the drama may go on to strike of their own accord whilst others become excellent potential patsies to be targeted and encouraged to act by deep state provocateurs (or as they often call them “informants”). I’m not convinced that the events involving Breivik, Roof, Bowers and Tarrant are entirely organic, just like the supposed “Islamic” events of 9/11, 7/7, the Madrid Bombings and Boston Marathon Bombings were not organic (all of which coincided with drills, by the way). The elite certainly are trying to engender a “civil war scenario” as Martinez puts it. Such a situation creates the perfect social climate in which to clamp down on opposition to the globalist agenda, connecting the concept of nationalism to violence and “hate.”

I’m sure there will be some idiots out there thinking that this latest terror event in New Zealand is a case of the Muslims getting a taste of their own medicine. Such people are completely caught up in the war on terror/clash of civilisations psyop. They deny the existence of false-flag terror (except maybe when it’s their “side” getting the blame) and have well and truly fallen for the elite’s divide and conquer program. False-flags and other types of manipulated terror (such as using provocateurs and informants to incite violent action) have been part of the deep state toolkit since at least the days of Operation Gladio and probably long before. Unless people get wise to this it’s over. The nationalists out there who deny the reality of staged terrorism ought to ask themselves a couple of questions such as: who gets demonised in the wake of supposed “Islamic” terror attacks? Answer: nationalists who oppose mass-immigration (this is because the default position for most Western governments, media and academia is that critique of any ethnic or religious group other than Whites and Christians is “hateful”). And who gets demonised in the wake of supposed “far-Right” terror attacks? Answer: nationalists, again. Who scores the propaganda victory in all of this? Globalists do. They have the nationalists by the balls and are running rings around them using the staged terrorism strategy. Those who believe they are resisting the march of globalism by obsessing over Islam whilst ignoring manufactured terrorism have no idea about how they are being played by the real power brokers of the world (i.e. Jewish banking dynasties in league with high-level freemasonry, something I cover in this post). Staged terror is the elite’s ultimate weapon. It makes nationalists in the West angry with Muslims when staged Islamic terror events occur, and then that anger is used to sell the public on the reality of a far-Right extremism problem which then gets compounded via staged Right-wing terror attacks. Only by exposing the false-flag terrorism technique can it’s effects on the psyche of the public be mitigated. As long as people continue to be deceived by manufactured terrorism, the globalist elite will keep using it and nationalists will keep losing because they refuse to recognise a powerful propaganda weapon that’s being used against them. Exposing staged terrorism should be number one on the to-do list of any anti-globalist.

I cover the basics of staged terrorism and the ‘clash of civilizations’ agenda in my post Tommy Robinson, the Alt-lite, Cambridge Analytica, Staged Terror & the Clash of Civilizations. Just to be clear, I’m not saying that genuine organic acts of violence don’t occur, but when it comes to the big ‘made-for-TV’ terror spectaculars such as those I’ve mentioned in this post, there is no doubt in my mind that we are looking at Gladio-style manufactured terrorism. And I strongly suspect this latest incident in New Zealand was just such an event.

false flag


UPDATE: Looks like we have a drill for the Christchurch event. The New York Times reported the comments of a Police Inspector Cahill who attributed the quick response of the police to the fact that they were in a training session nearby and already had all their tactical gear with them. NYT reports:

The police said a special armed tactical unit arrived at Al Noor Mosque four minutes after the first officers, or 10 minutes after the initial emergency call.

Mr. Cahill said it normally would have taken longer, with team members summoned to a police station to suit up. On Friday, though, they happened to be in a training session in the city center and wearing their gear, he said.

Covering this topic in an article for Activist Post, Matt Agorist writes:

Police in New Zealand don’t typically carry firearms, much less dress in tactical gear, so officers holding a drill with all their tactical equipment and weapons at the ready was a helpful coincidence indeed.

For those who may be unaware, the significance of the drill is important due to the fact that most terror attacks in recent history have coincided with drills very similar to the actual terrorism that unfolds.

Mike Rivero of whatreallyhappened.com recently appeared on The Richie Allen Show to discuss the drill and other things, such as the initial reports of multiple assailants (mp3 available here):

UPDATE 2: Below is a decent podcast from sott.net covering many aspects of the Christchurch shootings (mp3 here):

Show description: In this NewsReal, Joe and Niall discuss the bloody events in Christchurch and point to some of the evidence that indicates Tarrant was not acting alone. They also discuss why it’s important to consider this and similar events in the context of organized criminal conspiracies: the fractious fallout inflames and reinforces divisions in society globally.

UPDATE 3: In the video below, Adam Green of the YouTube channel Know More News covers the potential Zionist connection to the Christchurch shooting. Anyone who knows my views on Israel and Zionism will understand why an Israel/Mossad connection to the attack wouldn’t surprise me in the least (alternative Bitchute link here):


Tommy Robinson’s hard-on for Israel and what that country is really all about

A video has recently appeared online showing alt-lite stalwart and Zionist lackey Tommy Robinson proclaiming his devotion to Israel. In the video, Robinson – in what appears to be a rather inebriated state – declares that should a war ever break out between Israel and Palestine he would be right there on the front line ready and willing to fight for Israel. In the video Robinson asserts:

If there was a war – and it kicked off – I would be there on the front line fighting for Israel

Adam Green of Know More News covers the Robinson video below and also looks at the well funded Zionist network behind him (alternative Bitchute link here):

In this post I’m going to briefly look at Robinson but mostly I’m going to focus on his cherished Israel, what that country is all about, and what he doesn’t explain to his followers while he distracts and diverts them with the Islam issue. Adam Green’s video above is a good place to start but I’m going to flesh things out somewhat. This post is going to be quite lengthy, but it needs to be as there is much to cover. If you are a fan of Robinson, this is not an attack on you, but an attempt to present you with information that Robinson and the alt-lite deliberately keep from their audience.

Robinson and the alt-lite:

I’ve written about Robinson and the alt-lite before and how their role is to operate on the Right of the alt-media sphere and basically shill for Israel whilst deflecting their audience away from Jewish/Zionist power (see here, here and here). The alt-lite clique – a sub-section of the broader alt-right movement that includes the likes of Infowars, Breitbart and Rebel Media – have the task of keeping their followers on a kosher path so that they don’t cotton on to the Judeo-Masonic string pullers behind the globalist agenda. In the recent video of Robinson, his allegiance to his Zionist paymasters is clear. As a White British male, what possible reason could this guy have for wanting to put his life on the line for a state that does nothing for his own country or people? What does Israel do that makes it worthy of such loyalty? This guy has kids and yet he would literally put his life on the line if need be to defend a state that offers nothing of any real value to the West, certainly nothing worth dying for. Even Robinson can’t come up with a good reason in the video. The best he can come up with is “why not?” What a joke! I can only assume that the opportunity to shoot a few Arabs in the desert is worth more to him than being at home with his family.

Of course, Robinson is a fully paid up Zionist agent and propagandist. As researcher Neil Sanders pointed out in his piece on the rise of the Right-wing alt-media, Robinson has lots of Zionist cash behind him and receives funding “via the David Horowitz Freedom Center which is financed by Robert Shillman who is a board member for Friends of Israel’s Defence Forces.” Sanders also points out that Robinson has received staunch backing from the hardcore Zionist organisation Middle East Forum (MEF). Sanders – writing during the period last year when Robinson was supposedly in jail – explains:

The MEF helps fund Tommy Robinsons legal team (he is currently in jail for breach of bail conditions – he jeopardised a trial by filming the defendants specifically against court orders). According to MEF, the organisation is also “sponsoring and organising the second ‘Free Tommy Robinson’ gathering in London on July 14”. The statement was signed by MEF Director Gregg Roman, who has previously “worked in Israel’s Defence and Foreign Ministries”.

Although I don’t see eye to eye with Sanders on everything, his piece titled Cambridge Analytica and the Creation of Right Wing Media is a worthwhile read in terms of understanding the rise of the alt-lite and how contrived it is. And my piece, Tommy Robinson, the Alt-lite, Cambridge Analytica, Staged Terror & the Clash of Civilizations gives my own take on things. Essentially, Sanders sees ‘White supremacy’ behind the rise of Robinson and the rest of the alt-lite fraudsters whereas I see a Zionist operation at work attempting to manage the Right on behalf of Israel and the Jewish banking elites and Masons who created and control that country.

Another prominent member of the alt-lite fraternity is Infowars founder Alex Jones. Jones has had Robinson as a guest on his show several times. Like many who are into alternative media and conspiracy related topics, I was a fan of Jones for a long time back in the days when Infowars used to cover subjects such as secret societies and various blatant false-flag terror events such as 9/11 and 7/7. That all changed when Donald Trump came on the scene and Infowars’ editorial line morphed and began to push the standard alt-lite, pro-Trump, pro-Israel narrative in which all the world’s problems boil down to Islam and Democrats. Russ Winter of winterwatch.net sums up the situation regarding Jones in his article Time to Clear the Deck of Alex Jones and Joe Rogan:

Like many of you, I was at one time an Alex Jones fan. But increasingly in recent years, he has exposed himself as a Judas Goat for the controlled opposition… I suspect he was compromised and/or bought off in some manner about four years ago. Jones’ excuse for his changed behavior is that he had a “minor psychosis about four or five years ago” that “reoriented his thinking about conspiracies.” Accordingly, he then jumped on the kakistocracy’s campaign to demonize “conspiracy theorists.”

Russ Winter is correct. These alt-liters are a controlled opposition and I’m now going to go deeper into the force that utilises them as gatekeepers.

Israel & Zionism:

Robinson and Jones’ beloved Israel is more than just a small country in the Middle-East, it’s part of something much bigger. The Zionist movement and the creation of Israel was all part of the elite’s plan to Rebuild the Temple of Solomon (on the site where the the Al Aqsa Mosque currently sits) and rule the world from Jerusalem as part of their crazed end-times and Messianic script. This is why the Zionist puppet, Donald Trump, made recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel one of his first orders of business. Those who helped the elite carve out the state of Israel understood that it had a purpose. In 1962, the first Prime Minister of Israel, David Ben-Gurion stated his belief that Israel would one day be the seat of world power – in line with the prophesies of Isaiah. The Jewish Telegraph Agency quotes Ben-Gurion as saying:

“With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars…. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a truly United Nations) will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah.

The rebuilding of Solomon’s Temple (aka the Third Temple) is important to both Messianic Jews and Freemasons. Many Masons claim descent from the medieval Knights Templar who at one time based themselves on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem and carried out many excavations on the site where the ancient temple once stood. In his book on secret societies, The Occult and Subversive Movements, Dr. Kerry Bolton, in a chapter titled Jerusalem: World Capital, explains:

The basis of Masonic allegory is the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. The fact that this is also the goal of Messianic Zionists. The Al Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest place for Islam, stands where the Temple once stood, is problematic and today has major consequences for the peace of the world. Nonetheless, the rebuilding of the Temple is an allegoric reflection of the aim of establishing Jerusalem as the capital of a Universal Republic. Whether this aim comes from Templar origins or Freemasonry does not concern us here; the concern is in regard to the practical fulfillment of this legend.

The creation of Israel was a seminal event for Masonry and for the Counter-Tradition. Of the Masonic interests in Israel, an Italian newspaper reported in 1993 that ‘a celebration of political Masons was held in Jerusalem’. Tellingly entitled, ‘Israel: There is a Pact Between Politicians and Masons’, the article stated:

The ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, as well as by the Askenazi Chief Rabbi, Israel Meier Lau. Kollek told the gathered Masons, ‘You do a great honour to Jerusalem. This is natural, considering that King Solomon was the great builder of the temple, which is at the roots of the Masonic idea, and that his workmen were the first Masons’.

The purpose of the Knights Templar was to re-construct the Temple of Solomon. The building of the Temple of Solomon and its re-construction are the core of the ritual and the doctrines of Freemasonry, as Jerusalem’s Mayor mentioned. Jerusalem is considered the centre of the world by both Masonry and Messianic Judaism. [p283]

One only has to take a look at Israel’s supreme court building in Jerusalem to see clear evidence of this alliance between elite Jews and Freemasonry (see here). The building was funded by the Rothschilds (an elite Jewish banking dynasty) and encodes Masonic symbolism within it’s layout. The building is essentially a grand Masonic temple. It tells you all you need to know about the forces that created and control that country. For further examination of the unholy alliance between elite Jewish families and secret societies try this podcast.

The Third Temple entered the news last year during Jerusalem’s Mayoral election. The Express reported:

Jewish eschatology concerning the end times claims the Holy Temple will rise up from the ground for the third time when the apocalypse nears. Talk of a third temple being built emerged this week in response to a letter penned by the powerful Jewish assembly of rabbis known as the Sanhedrin.

Jerusalem is heading into a mayoral election next week and the Sanhedrin urged both running candidates, Ofer Berkovich and Moshe Lion, to rebuild the temple.

The first two Holy Temples of Jerusalem were constructed on the city’s Temple Mount centuries ago but were razed to the ground by the Babylonians and the Romans respectively.

The Holy Temple plays a crucial role in Jewish tradition and is a central player in prophecies and tales concerning the apocalypse.

The website, The Burning Blogger of Bedlam, in the article Why JERUSALEM is So Important to the Apocalypse Fantasists, points out how the Third Temple agenda is supported by evangelical Christian Zionists. This movement was largely manufactured, unsurprisingly, by the elites themselves (see here). The article states:

Zionist Jewish nationalists want to ‘rebuild the Temple’; as in what they perceive to be Solomon’s ancient temple, destroyed by Vespasian and the Romans in AD 79.

The only way to do this is to demolish the Al-Aqsa mosque. And the only people who want this to happen more than Jewish nationalists are the Christian/American Zionists, specifically right-wing evangelicals who fully back ultra-nationalist Jewish activity in Jerusalem, simply because they want to trigger a Third World War and, more importantly, the Biblical ‘Armageddon’ and subsequent Second Coming of Christ.

Why? Because they believe they – as pure, ‘Born Again’ Christians – will survive the ‘rapture’ and be raised by Jesus, while the rest of the world burns.

Israeli Zionist extremists in Jerusalem are fully backed and funded by American Christian zealots who want the Second Coming and the ‘rapture’ (despite the fact that Jewish lore insists the rebuilding of the Temple will mean the arrival of the Jewish Messiah and not the Christian version of Jesus – as pointed out earlier, it’s completely contradictory).

It’s also fair to say that the Christian evangelical Zionists don’t care at all about the traditional Christians of Jerusalem and Palestine – you know, the proper Christians who pre-date modern evangelical McChristianity by a few dozen centuries?

The article goes on to point out the potential consequences of the agenda to reconstruct the temple:

To make matters even more perverse, Muslims also believe that a ‘Second Coming’ of the Christian Jesus is to occur, but the fundamentalist Islamic view/prophecy has it that whoever the so-called Jewish ‘Messiah’ is (whose arrival is meant to be foreshadowed by the rebuilding of the temple), he is to be regarded as ‘the Anti Christ’.

In other words, the moment the Al-Aqsa is demolished and the Temple of Solomon is ‘restored’, we are probably looking at a Holy War to end all Holy Wars.

Maybe that’s the idea. A great war to be used as the excuse to justify world government. Lets not forget David Ben-Gurion’s statement above about a “world alliance,” an “international police force” and the end of wars with Jerusalem housing “the Supreme Court of Mankind” – all “prophesised by Isaiah” of course.

Jewish supremacy & the assault on White Europeans:

The role of Tommy Robinson and the rest of the alt-lite propagandists is to lead a controlled opposition to the elite’s globalist agenda, putting all the focus for the West’s problems onto Islam and “the Left” and to turn a blind eye to the issue of Jewish supremacy. The Jewish supremacist mindset was excellently encapsulated by one of Israel’s top Rabbis, Ovadia Yosef. In 2010, the Jewish Telegraph Agency reported:

Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat,” he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

“With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.

Yosef was no small-time Rabbi. Upon his death in 2013, a record breaking 800,000 mourners lined the streets of Jerusalem for his funeral making it the largest funeral in Israeli history. At the time the US Ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, described Yosef as “a spiritual leader to hundreds of thousands, if not more.” Rabbi Yosef’s words highlight the supremacist mentality that exists in Israel. Other Israeli Rabbis have also made revealing remarks connecting the destruction of Europeans and Chritianity to Jewish prophesy, such as Rabbi David Touitou, who once stated during a sermon that “Islam is the broom of Israel” before going on to exclaim:

The Messiah will come only when Edom, Europe, Christianity will have fallen completely. So, I am asking you the question: Is it good news that Islam is invading Europe? It’s excellent news! It’s announcing the arrival of the Messiah! Excellent news!

One West Bank Rabbi, Baruch Efrati, once stated that:

Jews should rejoice at the fact that Christian Europe is losing its identity as a punishment for what it did to us for the hundreds of years we were in exile there”

He went on to say:

“Even if we are in a major war with the region’s Arabs over the Land of Israel, Islam is still much better as a Gentile culture than Christianity.”

See the article Extremist Rabbis: Talmudic prophecies call for destruction of Europe, war between Christians and Muslims by Sean Jobst for more on this subject. In the piece he writes:

These are stunning admissions, especially in light of the mass-migration of mostly Muslim migrants into Europe that has been promoted from the top-bottom by Jewish bankers and politicians, NGOs, think-tanks and organizations – even while solidifying the exclusively Jewish character of Israel. The main reason behind this is revealed by these rabbis: a deep-seated hatred of Europeans, whom they collectively blame for centuries of “anti-Semitism”. Another reason is a “clash of civilizations,” wars between Christians and Muslims for the benefit of Zionism.

Jobst has also covered the fact that although Muslims and Jews feud with each other in the Middle-East, there is an increasing tendancy for the two groups to team up in the West in order to “combat hate,” which is really just code for combating White people who don’t appreciate the forced demographic change taking place in their countries (see here)

In the article Israel Officially Aids 3rd World Invasion, The New Observer covers how IsraAID – an Israeli aid agency supported by the Israeli Government and a host of other Israeli and Jewish organisations  – actively works to help refugees enter Europe and contrasts this with Israel’s internal policy of keeping migrants and refugees out. The article concludes:

So it is clear that the Jews understand—correctly—that a mass Third World invasion will destroy their country, and they are very clear and open about this fact.

Nonetheless, at the very same time, they are actively funding and aiding a mass Third World invasion of Europe—knowing full well that this will destroy Europe.

This overt hypocrisy cannot be a coincidence: it is the result of a malicious, deliberate policy, designed to destroy Europe and Europeans, while ensuring that Israel remains racially pure.

The Kalergi Plan:

This brings us around to the Kalergi Plan. This is in reference to Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, a Freemason who created the Pan-European Movement which envisioned a United States of Europe. Kalergi would be dubbed the “Godfather of the EU” and it was he who suggested Beethoven’s Ode To Joy as the European anthem. Kalergi envisioned a future where humanity would be racially blended – what he referred to as “the Eurasian negroid race of the future” – and also believed that Jews would ultimately form a “spiritual nobility.” Not surprising then that his movement received much Jewish support and attracted financial backing from Jewish banking elites such as members of the Rothschild and Warburg families and Jewish financier Bernard Baruch. In his book Transhumanism, author and researcher David Livingtone quotes from Kalergi’s memoirs on the issue of his financial supporters. Livingstone writes:

Coudenhove-Kalergi’s father was also a close friend of Theordor Herzl, founder of Zionism. Coudenhove-Kalergi writes in his Memoirs:

At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us. To my great surprise, Warburg spontaneously offered us 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first three years… Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, had a principle of financing these movements. He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life. Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch.

At its founding convention in Vienna in 1922 and attended by more than 6,000delegates, the PEU [Pan-European Union] called for the dissolution of all the nation-states of Western Europe and the creation of a single European state, modeled on the Roman and Napoleonic empires. [p138, PDF]

In his book Babel Inc, Dr Kerry Bolton writes of Kalergi. After explaining that a united Europe had long been an important idea within European freemasonry he writes:

During the latter part of the 19th century the idea of a ‘United States of Europe’ was revived with renewed impetus, led by a well-funded Freemason named Count Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi, who became known as the ‘father of the European Union.’ The Austrian Masonic magazine, The Beacon, stated of Coudehove-Kalergi’s programme that ‘it is a Masonic work,’ an opinion reiterated in recent years by Masonic initiates of Europe. While the early Masonic role in what is now called globalisation and the ‘new world order’ cannot be elaborated here, what is of significance is that Coudenhove-Kalergi’s idea of Europe was multicultural in character. Codenhove-Kalergi was of Austro-Hungarian and Japanese parentage. Coudehove-Kalergi in 1925 clearly stated the globalist ideal that is being pursued today. [p213]

Bolton then quotes from Kalergi’s book, Practical Idealism, in which Kalergi writes:

The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today’s races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [Bolton p214, quoting Kalergi]

Bolton continues:

Coudenhove-Kalergi added that the Jews would form a ‘new spiritual nobility’ to take over leadership from the old European nobility whose influence had been largely obliterated, and it should be added in significant part through Masonic revolutions such as those in France, Russia and throughout much of the rest of Europe.

This precisely explains the globalist alchemy of multiculturalism: to break down all differences – in the name of promoting ‘differences’ – to re-create a formless mass of ‘individuals without bonds to ‘space,’ ‘time’ or ‘prejudice,’ or what we can call one’s rootedness to land, heritage, and destiny, and consciousness of identity. The goal is the elimination of the idea of a collective identity and consciousness, or indeed of community and society. [p214]

Brandon Martinez explains in his book Grand Deceptions: Zionist Intrigue In The 20th and 21st Centuries:

Kalergi’s grand strategy, evidently, was to deracinate Gentile Europeans through racial interbreeding, whereas Jews – who adhere to an exclusivist, tribal culture – would remain relatively pure and cohesive. This scenario, wholly artificial in its organism, would thus precipitate the ascent of Jews to a position of an ethnic oligarchy and ruling super-class over an atomized mass of rootless cosmopolitan “Eurasian-Negroid” plebs.

Martinez concludes by stating:

It is beyond the scope of this chapter to cover in detail the inner workings of every Western country’s descent into the multicultural/multi-ethnic fold. But the pattern described here uniformly repeats itself across virtually the entire Western world: from Scandinavia to Germany, Switzerland, France, Spain, Australia, Canada and the United States, it has been predominately Jewish ethnic lobbying, activism and media campaigns that has led those countries to adopt liberal immigration policies and to embrace the ideals of multiculturalism, diversity and an “open, tolerant” society.

The Jewish elite consensus on the issue is abundantly clear: multiculturalism and multiethnicism are “good for the Jews” when they are a minority living among Gentiles, but such concepts are “bad for the Jews” when they are the majority endeavouring to suppress and stifle the self-determination of another people, the Palestinians, whose land they have usurped through deceit, terrorism and mass murder.

Note: You can read Martinez’s chapter on Kalergi online here and you can find his video on the subject in the video section at the bottom of this post.

It is within the context of the Kalergi plan that we can understand the words of one Barbara Lerner Specter – the head of a Swedish based Jewish studies organisation called Paideia. In 2010 she made the following statement in an interview with an Israeli television network:

“I think there’s a resurgence of antisemitism because at this point in time Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re going be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place. Europe has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were in the last century. Jews are going to be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for Europe to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Jews will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Europe will not survive.”

The Anti-Semitism Canard:

At the moment we are seeing an explosion of anti-Semitism allegations being largely directed against the political Left. Although Leftists are useful to the elite as shock-troops to push Cultural Marxism and open borders, they do have a downside from the elite’s perspective. That downside is the fact that the Left’s humanitarian tendencies and Kalergiite pro-Arab mentality causes many of them to take an anti-Israel stance regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict. The elite understand that as more and more Arabs and Muslims enter Western countries they will eventually start making their way into government posts and other positions of influence. In the long term this could have an effect on those countries’ policies regarding the Israel-Palestine situation. The Left would be the natural allies of Muslims in this scenario and so we are seeing the anti-Semitism smear being used by Zionists against both Muslim politicians and pro-Palestinian Leftists who critique Israel. Zionist groups and lobbyists are seeking to equate criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism in an attempt to make it socially and politically unnaceptable, therefore neutering the Left when it comes to the Israel issue. This is what we are currently seeing in the UK with the Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour Party coming under unrelenting attack (something I’ve covered here). We also see a strong push in the US by Israel-first politicians to equate support for the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement (a movement promoting the boycott of Israeli goods) with anti-Semitism and even to outlaw it (see here and here). Americans should ask themselves why their political class is focusing so much effort on protecting Israel –  playing fast and loose with the First Amendment in the process – when they should be focused on serving their own country and people. The answer is simple; the immense power of the Israel lobby in the United States. A similar lobbying operation runs in the UK, see here and here.

In his article The Growing Anti-Semitism Scam, Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi quotes a former Israeli Minister who explained that the anti-Semitism smear is an often used “trick” against Israel’s critics. Giraldi writes:

The Israelis and, to be sure, many diaspora Jews know exactly how the expression has been weaponized. Former Israeli Minister Shulamit Aloni explained how it is done “Anti-Semitic”…“its a trick, we always use it.”

Giraldi goes on to explain:

…the alleged increase in anti-Semitic incidents is largely fueled by how those incidents are defined. Israel and its friends have worked hard to broaden the parameters of the discussion, making any criticism of Israel or its activities either a hate crime or ipso facto an anti-Semitic incident. The U.S. State Department’s working definition of anti-Semitism includes “…the targeting of the state of Israel” and it warns that anti-Semitism is a criminal offense. Recent legislation in Washington and also in Europe has criminalized hitherto legal and non-violent efforts to pressure Israel regarding its inhumanity vis-à-vis the Palestinians. Legitimate criticism of Israel thereby becomes both anti-Semitism and criminal, increasing the count of so-called anti-Semitic incidents. That means that the numbers inevitably go up, providing fodder to validate a repressive response

Another target of the anti-Semitism smear is “conspiracy theorists” (I guess that’s me). Discussing the machinations and global plans of elite Jewish banking dynasties is certainly the quickest and easiest way to get yourself branded anti-Semitic. A common attack strategy is to generalise and accuse people who discuss the kinds of things I’ve written about in this post of believing that “the Jews” are conspiring to rule the world. Of course, for “conspiracy theorists” this is rarely the case. I personally don’t believe “all Jews” are conspirators working to take over the world, but I do believe the myths, legends and prophesies within Jewish lore do play their part in the elite’s mindset and agenda, and, of course, elites will inevitably have lackeys within wider society who serve them – that’s just how it is when you have all the money and own the system. Many people find themselves helping the elite unwittingly. For example; the elites created Zionism and many non-elite Jews took up the cause not because they were conspiring with the elites to rule the world but because they believed it was a form of self-determination for their people. Although they were aiding the elite’s plans, such Jews could be viewed as victims not co-conspirators. Most conspiracy theorists don’t blame “all Jews” for the actions of a small cabal of Jewish elites any more than they would blame all Italians for the actions of the Mafia. Of course, sometimes, simply accusing anyone Jewish of being involved in the New World Order agenda is enough to be branded anti-semitic, but what can one do about that? I certainly won’t stop discussing these issues just because some people might call me a name.

The Sabbatean-Frankists:

Before we finish up, there is one last topic that I feel needs to be covered and that’s the issue of what motivates and drives the elite families themselves.

There is one aspect to the elite Jewish dynasties that is worth mentioning which is that these families are likely adherents to a Messianic strain of Judaism known as Sabbatean-Frankism. This Judaic cult, which is occult in nature and obsessed with the esoteric Jewish mystical tradition of the Cabala (Kabbalah), has been described by many as Luciferian and Satanic due to it’s rejection of traditional morality and promotion of sinful activities and debauchery. The movement was spawned by self proclaimed “Messiah” Sabbatai Zevi in the 17th century and later led to another “Messiah”, Jacob Frank in the 18th Century (the souls of Jewish Messiahs can reincarnate apparently). It is from these two figures that we get the term Sabbatean-Frankism. A passage from an article on the Return of Kings website gives a good brief summary of the Sabbatean-Frankists, it states:

Modern Judaism was hijacked by the Sabbatean-Frankist satanic sect about 300 years ago. From that point on Judaism became all black at the top and they spread their depraved ideology to other western religions and secret societies. Leaders like Zabbatai Zevi and Jacob Frank practiced terrible forms of Satanism and had a very low moral standard including calling themselves “Messiah”. Their morality is now being normalized in modern society. The crucial event was when Zevi in 1666 converted to Islam and became the hero of many European Jews. From then on these “Jews” infiltrated Judaism, other religions and all political parties with one objective – world power.

In his book The Illuminati, the late secret society researcher Jim Marrs writes of Zevi:

…in 1666, a Cabalist rabbi named Sabbatai Zevi proclaimed himself the long-anticipated Jewish Messiah. Zevi was born in 1626 to affluent Jews living in Anatolia, which encompassed Asia Minor and most of Turkey. A charismatic leader, by the mid-seventeenth century his followers included about half of the world’s Jewish population. His popularity also stemmed from Zevi’s use of the Lurianic Kabbalah, named after Rabbi Isaac Luria, a sixteenth-century mystic who proclaimed a new version of the Cabala, which used numerology and codes to predict the coming of a Messiah. Zevi and his followers came to be called Sabbateans.

German-born Israeli historian Gershom Scholem, an authority on the Cabala, described the Shabbatean movement as “the largest and most momentous messianic movement in Jewish History.”

Due to his unorthodox views, Zevi was expelled from Jerusalem by rabbinical leaders but found support from the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and his sect flourished until the Sultan grew uneasy over its growing power. Zevi reportedly was offered the choice of “Your head or the turban,” meaning death or conversion to Islam. It was an easy choice. Much to the dismay of many of his followers, Zevi became a Muslim and took the name of Aziz Mehmed Effendi (the Power of Muhammed). Some supporters excused this conversion by believing that as the new Messiah, Zevi represented an opportunity to merge the two religions.

The new interpretations taught in the Lurian Cabala are thought by some scholars to provide the spiritual justification for proactive Zionism that eventually led to the creation of Israel.

Zevi and his Sabbateans practiced a contrary form of religious practice. They believed that by violating the old Jewish laws, the new Messiah could more easily lift them up to redemption. They feasted during fast days, ate food forbidden by Jewish dietary law, and believed in the transmigration of souls, or reincarnation. Another aspect of the Sabbateans’ theology involved secrecy. [p124]

Jacob Frank would later declare himself to be the reincarnation of Zevi leading to the Sabbatean-influenced movement known as Frankism. Wikipedia states of Frankism:

Frankism was a Jewish religious movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, centered on the leadership of the Jewish Messiah claimant Jacob Frank, who lived from 1726 to 1791. Frank rejected religious norms, and said his followers were obligated to transgress as many moral boundaries as possible. At its height it claimed perhaps 500,000 followers, primarily Jews living in Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe

Conspiracy researcher, Henry Makow, in his article Were Illuminati Jews Behind the Nazis? writes of the Frankists:

The satanic plague devouring humanity originated with the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, a Satanic Jewish movement based on the Cabala that absorbed half the Jews of Europe in the 17th/18th Century. They were chameleons. Pretending to convert, these Satanist Jews infiltrated and subverted all important religions, organizations and governments. They are the progenitors of the Illuminati, Zionism, Communism, Fascism and they control Freemasonry. The NWO [New World Order] is their goal. In 1988, Rabbi Gunther Plaut described Illuminati founder Jacob Frank in these terms, and implied that the Nazis were a Sabbatean-Frankist creation.

Makow describes the Frankist doctrine explaining that:

What had been prohibited would be allowed: adultery, incest, pedophilia. (This is the occult origin of our “sexual liberation.”) Inspired by the Cabala, they practiced “holiness through sin.” Good would come through the annihilation of Western civilization and the triumph of Evil. They hated Torah Jews and constantly plotted to destroy them.

He goes on to point out:

Thus, there is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism. Yet, due to the anti-Semitism organized by the Illuminati Jews, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership.

Thomas Muller of the website winterwatch.net has put together probably the best introductory article on this topic. In the article The Influence of Sabbatean Frankism on the World Muller describes the general strategy utilised by the Frankists. He writes:

The Frankist “believer” had an inverted, deceptive belief system. One must not appear to be as they really are. The last belief justified its followers’ pursuit of the double lives they led. One could appear to be a religious Jew on the outside and, in reality, be a Frankist. The Dönmeh [Sabbateans] officially converted to Islam but remained (hidden) crypto-Jews. Similarly so, the many Frankists who officially converted to Catholicism.

The great majority of Frankists who outwardly appeared to embrace Judaism integrated themselves into the Jewish community. Despite the fact that they were all outwardly religious, they still cherished as their goal “the annihilation of every religion and positive system of belief,” and they dreamed “of a general revolution that would sweep away the past in a single stroke so that the world might be rebuilt.”

Many researchers have connected the Frankists to the 18th Century Bavarian secret society called ‘The Illuminati’. This would make sense as the Illuminati is widely believed to have taken control of Freemasonry at the Freemasonic Congress of Wilhelmsbad held in Germany in 1782. Russ Winter of winterwatch.net writes in his article Zeroing in on Illuminist Secret Societies:

The Masonic secret society structure was used to mask and organize Illuminism, especially after the Congress of Wilhelmbad in 1782 merged the Masonic lodges with Illuminism and Rothschild Sabbattean-Frankists to carry out Step 1, the French Revolution.

In another piece looking at the works of secret society researcher Nesta Webster, Winter writes:

According to Webster, the union between the secret societies of Illuminism and Freemasonry was sealed in 1782 at the Congress of Wilhelmbad. The other movement that was brought forth at the Congress was pro-Semitism, or the emancipation of the Jews. This, of course, included opening up the Masonic Lodges to them. The Illuminism headquarters was relocated to Frankfurt at the same time. Curiously, this new movement corresponded with the rise of the Sabbattean-Frankist influenced and wealthy House of Rothschild, as well as the Jewish Oppenheimer, Wertheimer, Schuster, Spreyer and Stern families in Frankfurt.

We’ve already seen that Masonry and Judaism converge over the importance of the Third Temple, but it would also seem that Masonry and the Frankists share a common interest in the Cabbala. Researcher into secret societies and hidden power structures, Jordan Maxwell, writes of freemasonry in his book Matrix Of Power explaining that:

Freemasonry, once it is totally dissasembled, and you look at all the parts, is nothing more than eclectic Judaism, it is not Judaism at all, but a form of Judaism that is using Judaic symbols and emblems. So, it is not actually Jewish, but is based on the old Cabalistic system. [p26]

So it would seem that the Sabbatean-Frankists and the Freemasons are Cabalistic bedfellows.

Some might argue that the Frankists are not real Jews but are, in fact, heretical false Jews. I wouldn’t necessarily argue against this point but by looking at the agendas they are pursuing it is clear that Jewish eschatological beliefs – such as the re-establishment of Israel, the rebuilding of the Temple, and the Messianic age certainly make up the Frankist mind-set. And just because elite Frankist families are the ones who have used their wealth and influence to bring certain events about doesn’t mean that Judaism as a whole is off the hook. We’ve already seen what kind of ideas and beliefs are in the minds of certain Rabbis. Such attitudes are largely engendered by the Talmud which contains many passages expressing Jewish superiority, distain for the goy, as well as prophesies of a Messianic age of Jewish world domination. There are Torah Jews who reject the Zionist project, but they have little to no power in Israel, for obvious reasons. The Frankists are Cabalistic Jews, but their end goals appear to be in line with those of the Talmudists. The elite Frankists operate as puppet masters, as the website expandourmind.com puts it in the third part of their series titled Top Secret Judaism Exposed:

Top satanists labeling themselves as jews use the Talmud to promote the idea to ordinary jews that jews are superior to all other people and that they must rule the world and the other people(Goyim) must become their slaves.

Christian researcher and author, James Perloff, gives his perspective in his book Truth Is A Lonely Warrior, writing:

A typical Christian view of present-day Israel might run something like: “Israel is a marvelous example of God’s sovereignty. He preserved his chosen people, the Israelites, for all these years, and miraculously restored them to the Holy Land, recreating Israel as a nation.”

After pointing out that “Satan tries to counterfeit the things of God” he goes on to state:

Contrary to the widely held Christian view, I suggest the modern political state of Israel is not the rebirth of Biblical Israel, but a satanic counterfeit. I stress that I say this in a political context; I do not for a moment deny the sincere faith of many of the professing followers of Judaism now living in Israel.

Now I’m not a Christian myself, but I have to wonder whether Perloff might be onto something. After all, one doesn’t have to believe in Satan to believe there is such a thing as Satanists. Are the Sabbatean-Frankists simply Jews who practice a warped view of Judaism that seeks to hasten the Messianic age through sin? Or are they satanists who have hijacked Judaism in order to create a false satanic version of God’s kingdom?

For more on these issues I recommend the Top Secret Judaism Exposed series. Those of you out there who are obsessed with Islam but who have never bothered to look into Judaism’s dark side would do well to read it:

Top Secret Judaism Exposed – Part 1

Top Secret Judaism Exposed – Part 2

Top Secret Judaism Exposed – Part 3


So, we’ve come a long way from where we started out discussing Tommy Robinson and the alt-lite but let’s circle back round to that now. While such people harp on about Islam and Leftists all day long, powerful forces are rubbing their hands with glee knowing that they have a whole propaganda enterprise at work within the alt-media directing the spotlight away from them and their evil deeds. Robinson knows what he is doing and it’s classic distraction and diversion. Whatever issues there may be with the large scale importation of Muslims into the West – and I accept there are issues – Muslims are just chess pieces being moved around the board by our ruling overlords. They are just part of a much larger social engineering project being carried out by the elite. Understanding this is the only way to begin turning things around.

One of the roles of Robinson and the alt-lite is to engender sympathy for Israel and make it out to be some sort of victim state surrounded by hostile Muslims. They portray Israel as a shining democracy heroically leading the charge in a valiant crusade against Islam, a religion they accuse of being bent on turning the whole world into a global caliphate. While the Islamists – who can’t stop squabbling between themselves long enough to properly organise – aren’t even close to achieving such a thing, what Robinson purposely fails to explain to his flock is that another group, a group with well honed organisational skills and real power, are already well on their way to achieving their own equivalent of a worldwide caliphate right under everyone’s noses. Why doesn’t Robinson talk about this particular cabal? Answer; because he serves them. He’s one of their propagandists.

Robinson says he wants to fight for Israel. No doubt he wants to influence his followers to feel the same way. This is why he cozies up to the British armed forces and puts on his best “salt-of-the-earth patriot” routine. The next time that Israel wants some British cannon fodder to use against its regional enemies (see Iraq) there will be a whole bunch of naive young Tommy fans who will offer themselves up as willing sacrifices for the New World Order, convinced they are heroes taking on the evil Muslims. The agenda is so transparent.

So, finally we’re at the end. In this post I’ve laid out many of the issues and agendas surrounding the state of Israel. It is a state created to serve an esoteric purpose. It is a product of Messianic Judaism, Sabbatean-Frankists, and Freemasonry and it is this nexus between elite Jewish/Frankist banking dynasties and high-level Masonry that the real power lies. But you don’t hear a peep about any of this stuff from the likes of Robinson or the alt-lite kosher-nationalists. According to them, globalists are just liberals and the only religion to be concerned about is Islam.

Video Section:

Know More News – The 3rd Jewish Temple Prophesy:

Powers & Principalities episode 21 – The masonic origins of Zionism (mp3 here):

Powers & Principalities episode 39 – Who Is They? (mp3 here):

Mark Collett – The Jewish Role In The Refugee Crisis (alternative link here):

Know More News – The Mass Migration Agenda (alternative link here):

Our Interesting Times – James Perloff on Christian Zionism (mp3 here):

Brandon Martinez – The Kalergi Plan:

Brandon Martinez – Jews admit to pushing mass-migration [UPDATE: video now banned on YouTube but is the second video on this page]:

Our Interesting Times – Russ Winter on the Sabbatean-Frankists (mp3 here):

Henry Makow & Christopher Jon Bjerknes – The Sabbatean Frankists (also on Bitchute here):

The Jewish Talmud:

Truth about the Talmud – Racist, Rabbinic Hate Literature:

Red Ice Radio – Adam Green on Infowars dinsinfo and the Third Temple (mp3 here):