
Below you will find links to all posts in chronological order:

25/01/2018: About The Infohub

25/01/2018: The Psychotic Left (the “anti-fascist” fascists)

25/01/2018: Jordan Peterson shoots down feminist talking points in UK Channel 4 News interview

26/01/2018: Gender fluid woman on ITV morning show

26/01/2018: Be offended… nothing happens

28/01/2018: Coming soon: Antifa UK

29/01/2018: The “misogynistic” world of professional darts

30/01/2018: The Deep State

31/01/2018: Churchill-themed cafe invaded by Left-wing prats

01/02/2018: 5G: a coming nightmare?

03/02/2018: Yoga is racist now

03/02/2018: The cult attempts to shut down Jacob Rees-Mogg during Bristol University speaking event

04/02/2018: John McDonnell: a dangerous man

04/02/2018: Nigel Farage: Is free speech under attack?

04/02/2018: BBC Brexit bias

04/02/2018: Generation Snowflake

05/02/2018: New York City school cancels father-daughter dance to comply with gender guidelines

06/02/2018: Suffolk Police harass innocent man

07/02/2018: Cultural Marxism has taken over Minnesota school district

08/02/2018: Paul Craig Roberts: Trump vs The Deep State

11/02/2018: George Soros and Brexit

15/02/2018: Social justice awards shows

16/02/2018: Mass shootings and psychotropic drugs

20/02/2018: Jesy Nelson, Dreadlock-gate, SJWs, and the anti-white agenda

25/02/2018: Police called in after teacher ‘misgenders’ a pupil

27/02/2018: Pro-migrant activist U-turn, white genocide, and the Kalergi plan

28/02/2018: Labour Party appoints anti-white, transgender SJW Munroe Bergdorf as new adviser

02/03/2018: Feminism and the gender wage gap myth

06/03/2018: Antifa strikes at Kings College London

07/03/2018: Sergei Skripal: Poisoned by Russia or Western propaganda pawn?

08/03/2018: Radio host Richie Allen receives Antifa threat

08/03/2018: International “Shitload-of-bollocks” Day

09/03/2018: Men In America: countering the feminist narrative

12/03/2018: The threat to free speech

13/03/2018: Sergei Skripal: nerve agent “developed by Russia” says British PM

18/03/2018: Tolerance: a sickness destroying the West

25/03/2018: An introduction to conspiracy theory

02/04/2018: Labour anti-Semitism hysteria: a Zionist assault on Corbyn and free speech

04/04/2018: Richie Allen Show: the Sharon Gale story

05/04/2018: Sergei Skripal: the saga continues

08/04/2018: Syrian chemical weapons attack: who has the motive?

12/04/2018: Nigel Farage Show: are we heading for war?

14/04/2018: Strikes on Syria: David Icke explains the agenda

15/04/2018: Mark Collett: Assad didn’t do it

15/04/2018: Nigel Farage Show: the aftermath of the Syria strikes

16/04/2018: Roger Waters calls out the fraudulent White Helmets

18/04/2018: Powers & Principalities: Syria and the bigger picture

25/04/2018: A bot’s tale: the case of @ian56789

02/05/2018: Netanyahu, the Iran Deal, and the Brookings ‘path to Persia’

07/05/2018: The London crime epidemic and the private policing agenda

08/05/2018: Trump pulls out of Iran nuclear deal

11/05/2018: Brexit is racist according to 5 News

11/05/2018: The Pentagon’s vision of the future

13/05/2018: Nutjob feminist gets triggered by harmless elevator joke

16/05/2018: Richie Allen Show: the Jon Wedger story

23/05/2018: The Manchester Arena attack: one year on

29/05/2018: White Privilege in the NHS

29/05/2018: Amazon’s Alexa: a spy in the home

29/05/2018: An update on the current state of free speech

02/06/2018: The Tommy Robinson saga, the Alt-lite gatekeepers, and the Jewish Question

13/06/2018: Mark Collett on Tommy Robinson & free speech and Brandon Martinez on the Alt-lite gatekeepers

14/06/2018: The Masonic/Banker elite: the men behind the curtain

17/06/2018: Truthstream Media: Bilderberg and the Digital New World Order

18/06/2018: Truthstream Media: is Bilderberg gearing up for a war?

05/07/2018: Novichock reprise

12/07/2018: Communist Ash Sarkar on ITV breakfast show and the problem with Trump

25/07/2018: White Helmets to be brought to UK, Europe & Canada as “refugees”

07/08/2018: Alex Jones and Infowars banned from social media by internet giants

09/08/2018: The state of free speech in light of the ongoing Labour antisemitism hysteria

17/08/2018: Jay Dyer: is WordPress jumping on the censorship bandwagon?

11/09/2018: September 11th: the anniversary of a false-flag event

17/09/2018: The Skripal case and the Novichock suspects

20/09/2018: Richie Allen Show: the Susanne Small story

26/09/2018: Free speech update: James Woods and Roosh V

27/09/2018 EU refuses to disclose details of MEPs’ expenses

03/10/2018: Powers & Principalities: Corporate Tyranny

04/10/2018: Mark Collett: a peaceful solution to multiculturalism and mass migration

08/10/2018: Climate change hysteria and Agenda 2030

19/10/2018: Powers & Principalities: The Cold War

20/10/2018: The stigmatisation of conspiracy theories

24/10/2018: The NPC meme that’s triggering Leftists

26/10/2018: Mark Collett: the fallacy of equality

28/10/2018: Donald Trump: Zionist shill and agent of the elite

03/11/2018: Tommy Robinson, the Alt-lite, Cambridge Analytica, Staged Terror & the Clash of Civilizations

21/11/2018: Automation: the rise of AI and the impact on jobs

29/11/2018: China and the elite

05/12/2018 David Icke on “Progressives”

07/12/2018: The problem with Smart Meters

09/12/2018: The UN Compact on Migration and Agenda 2030

15/12/2018: Mark Collett: Liberal propaganda in Christmas adverts

19/12/2018: Tyranny in action: boycott Israel and you could lose your job in the US

10/01/2019: Women’s March called off due to lack of diversity

17/01/2019: Richie Allen Show: David Sedgwick on BBC propaganda

18/01/2019: Brexit, fake socialists and the elite’s European Union

29/01/2019: UK police and media hype fears of Right-wing extremism

03/02/2019: Stone Roses frontman Ian Brown sings about chemtrails on new solo album

10/02/2019: The Smiley Face Murders

13/02/2019: Red Ice Radio: Adam Green on the Israel-first conservatives

22/02/2019: Powers & Principalities: Globohomo

26/02/2019: 2019 Oscars pander to diversity – SJWs still bitching

03/03/2019: Tommy Robinson’s hard-on for Israel and what that country is really all about

06/03/2019: The New IRA: a deep-state psyop?

15/03/2019: Michael Jackson: the Leaving Neverland documentary

16/03/2019: The Christchuch shooting and the growing far-Right terror narrative

24/03/2019: Powers & Principalities: White Nationalism

26/03/2019: Truthstream Media: New Study Claims Conspiracy Theorists More Likely to Become Criminals!

04/04/2019: Thomas Mair: crazed assassin or stitched up patsy?

13/04/2019: The climate change scam and Technocracy

22/04/2019: Notre Dame fire: the alt-right reaction and who the real enemy is

28/04/2019: Powers & Principalities: Cultural Capitalism

01/05/2019: Richie Allen Show: Lana Lokteff on globalism and white genocide

08/05/2019: Red Ice Radio: Adam Green on the censorship of free speech regarding Israel

16/05/2019: Resolving Reality Radio: Henry Makow on Satanism & The New World Order

20/05/2019: Powers & Principalities: Clown World

25/05/2019: Know More News: Birth Pangs of the Jewish Messiah

03/06/2019: James Corbett on the sinister agenda behind environmentalism

14/06/2019: James Perloff on the historical deceptions that have led the US into war

23/06/2019: Tucker Carlson on John Bolton and neocon warmongering

07/07/2019: The 7/7 drill

11/07/2019: Adam Green & Mark Collett discuss Jewish & Zionist power

31/07/2019: The suspicious death of journalist Michael Hastings

06/08/2019: A brief comment on the El Paso, Texas shootings

10/08/2019: Jeffrey Epstein commits suicide… or so we’re told

15/08/2019: Red Ice TV: Mark Collett calls out Tommy Robinson and his crew as Israel-first shills

23/09/2019: Self righteous jumped-up little madam, Greta Thunberg, lectures world leaders on the need for climate action

29/09/2019: Red Ice TV: Barbara Spectre and Lord Rothschild attend conference to forge a “Common Destiny” for Jews

06/10/2019: Extinction Rebellion planning another London shutdown

03/11/2019: S. Awan on the deletion of his blog by WordPress and online censorship

24/11/2019: Know More News: David Icke on 9/11, The Sabbatean-Frankists, Zionism & the New World Order

26/11/2019: SKY News goes “Inside Extinction Rebellion” in new mini-documentary

15/12/2019: General Election 2019: Why Labour Lost

05/01/2020: Know More News: Europhobia & The Destruction of Edom

21/01/2020: Greta Thunberg up to her old tricks again with another high-profile speech

12/04/2020: Covid-19 Plan-demic: Forwarding An Elite Agenda

15/04/2020: Bill Gates: A Literal Demon From Hell

17/04/2020: James Corbett: The Dodgy Death Count and the Corona World Order

25/04/2020: David Icke on Covid-19: An Elite Deception To Bring In Technocracy

25/04/2020: Richie Allen Show: Piers Corbyn on Covid-19

26/04/2020: Richie Allen Show: Zed Phoenix on Bill Gates & Vaccine Racketeering

28/04/2020: The Covid-19 Vaccine Mafia: A Brief Summary

29/04/2020: Financial Times Reports Excess Deaths In Europe: So What Are We To Make Of It?

30/04/2020: Covid-19 Is Psychological Warfare: Please Share

30/04/2020: The REAL Covid-19 Test

04/05/2020:  Our Interesting Times: Patrick Wood on Covid-19 and Technocracy

14/05/2020: UK Chief Medical Officer: Covid-19 Kills “one percent or possibly even less than one percent over-all”

25//05/2020: Tsarion & Whitehead Discuss Academic Conspiracy Deniers

27/05/2020: Corbett Report: Who is Bill Gates?

28/05/2020: Richie Allen Show: Zed Phoenix on Health Passports

29/05/2020: Chasing The Rainbow: The Occult Meaning Behind Covid-19’s Most Prominent Symbol

10/06/2020: Racial Tension, Cultural Marxism, and the Chaos Agenda

11/06/2020: 3 Videos That White People Need To See

12/06/2020: Richie Allen Show: Dr. Vernon Coleman on Covid-19 Hysteria and Lockdown

16/06/2020: Our Manipulated Pop-Culture and Mass-Media Reality

22/06/2020: Bill Gates Confession Video

26/06/2020 The Great Reset: The Agenda Moves Forward

28/06/2020: Roosh V: Black Lives Matter

29/06/2020: Know More News: Give an Inch, They Take a Mile

01/07/2020: Richie Allen Show: Dr. Vernon Coleman on the Malevolent Agenda Behind Coronavirus

03/07/2020: James Corbett: The Great Reset and the Biosecurity Paradigm

16/07/2020: It’s NOT About Health, It’s About CONTROL! Please share

23/07/2020: James Corbett: The Use of Celebrities as Agents of Influence

30/07/2020: Richie Allen Show: Dr. Vernon Coleman’s Top Ten Facts Which Expose The Covid Farce

17/08/2020: David Icke: How They Pulled Off The ‘Pandemic’

31/08/2020: 9/11 and Coronavirus: Predictive Programming in Entertainment

02/09/2020: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Addresses Berlin Pro-Freedom Event

21/09/2020: Three Musicians Speak Out

12/10/2020: SKY News Australia Covers The Great Reset

19/10/2020: Corbett Report: Your Guide To The Great Reset

24/07/2021: UK Vaccine Passports Coming Soon

27/07/2021: Steve Baker MP on Vaccine Passport Tyranny

27/07/2021: Mark Dolan: It’s a Battle Between Freedom and Control!